
And all this time I thought Bangor Maines most famous son had a vivid imagination

Ok that fixin’ the leaks cartoon is hilarious. The broad chest, the abs, the big manly hands.. do Trumpets live in an alternate reality?

I find it very strange that lawyers defending clients widely perceived to be guilty are somehow held to be responsible for their crimes. Would you recommend that a surgeon refuse to treat a murderer? Or the CEO of Enron?

Please tell me that cover is photoshop or some other kind of manipulation because I’m hyperventilating just thinking about that kid slipping down until there are only a few bubbles on the surface

Public outrage? For a perceived slight to Her Majesty?

His last line implicitly states that he’s not going to hijack her space to promote racial diversity. Although I think people can follow two parallel strains of thought but Will probably felt that he would be accused of the very thing Mortal Dictata is doing here

Your stomach actually shrinks over the 12-14 hour long fast so shovelling food in might cause it to come right back up.  a few dates, a lick of salt and some water is supposedly what prophet Mohammed used to break his fast so it’s more of a tradition thing

That is what it is, maintenance and upkeep of places of worship. Its a humble title just to make a billionaire and a king seem like a public servant

Now I’m more confused. Why did he keep glancing at the press pool? Was it more ‘ can you believe this guy’ or ‘ someone save me’?

He is ‘ The carer of the most holy places’. Khadim Harmain Sharifain. So in a way, yes. Given that Islam recognizes no religious leaders. But I’m glad she didn’t cover her head to please his pompous ass

Yes. I saw the first few episodes and there was a daughter who was an unwed mother and dealing with the issues of unwed motherhood but, you know, life and love and laughter because sitcom.

I don’t think its vitriol. I think it’s vinegar.

That’s what I was trying to say in my ham handed way. No need to wait a few millenia for all mankind to be the same color, white people have already roasted their hides to a uniform light brown.

You weren’t kidding!

Allow me to point out that one is a pasty white English person from a long line of pasty white English people and the other has a black parent.

Also why choose the play where the protagonists are practically bullied into suicides by societal expectations?

Apparently his French parents gave a fuck. They told her to stay away from their 16 year old kid.

That Kermit photo shoot sounds awesome. Ms Piggy and pizza and donuts plus fashion. Now if they would just remove Kendall from the equation.

You were the one who brought up car accident deaths. Because fewer people die in childbirth those deaths dont need to be acknowledged? Getting pregnant is risky as is sitting in a car. You wouldn’t strap down someone who wanted to get out of a car because they were suddenly unwilling to take those risks.

Is this a dick wagging contest? Would you suggest that car manufacturers don’t need to research safety measures because only a few people die in car accidents compared to the millions who travel by car? You were the one who claimed child birth was not dangerous. It is deadly for thousands of women every year.