Sage Steele is the lady equivalent of an Uncle Tom
Sage Steele is the lady equivalent of an Uncle Tom
HamNo, this is what I might be most dissapointed in the Democratic party. They have stood by and watched the IDEA of organized labor be perverted into something bad. They too long protected the corrupt leaders of the powerful unions instead of addressing it. It stripped credibility and turned public opinion. Now,…
I grew up in that county. We still had segregated homecomings into the 80s. I can tell you that tornado treated her better than most white people treat her on a daily basis...
I genuinely wish terminal cancer on anyone and their children that voted for Trump. I’d also like to be on the other side of the hospital window laughing at their pain. I’m that guy. And when they go bankrupt, I’ll be there, charging them an exorbitant amount of money for a pair of bootstraps to pull themselves up…
The absurdity must be called out. Doing it this way, simple, humorous, will hopefully make the hardliners who are also sports fan chuckle a bit. Then hopefully that chuckle turns into a gradual epiphany and they actually see the fuckery. Hopefully that happens by mid-term elections. Hopefully...
Hey Fingers,
Did they use a piece of your hamstring for the repair of cadaver? Oh boy, if you also barely knew that guy, you’ll get well acquainted.
Seems pretty clear that everyone, in fact, “doesn’t know better.”
As a person living in Austin with some sense of the “pulse” of a few state reps, they’ve actively tried to push Patrick away from this issue, primarily to focus making positive changes on the CPS system (good!), but also some other terrible shit like stripping local contol from communities for things like fracking and…
The best solution has and always will be to stop treating Israel like they are special. Cut off their funding and see if they don’t tone down. The middle east is a no more or worse of a shit show in either scenario. Only thing driving this is a obsession with the return of a magical carpetenter messiah that can’t…
I’m from the country as well. Raised by my grandmother. In a Baptist church. She said “You damn well better not throw the first punch but, if a woman hits you, you have every right to hit her back. She’s a person just like you. She decided to throw. There are repercussions. A fight is a fight, nuts or not” …
Me too man. No clue what happened to me either...
How about “Think to yourself, if I hit this person, what could happen” And then, don’t hit people.
This is idiotic
The whole “men are NEVER supposed / allowed to hit women” is a very dangerous tenet that our society stupidly perpetrates. It’s dangerous to women. Too often they assume this and it emboldens aggression with some weird cloak of invisibility.
That ain’t shit. I was on the receiving end of a drive by last night in Austin. Somebody drove up and hit me with an electric guitar and sped off. I’m sore and still confused. I mean, wtf?!?!
But what’s worse really? Nuclear destruction or being greyed again by Kinja 2.0?
The only Internet censorship I’m in favor of is Trump’s access to it. ENTIRELY.
I’m no fan of his by any means but you highlight an important item about visits, chats, etc. This whole thing about people getting pissy about who people talk to, visit, whatever has really gone too far. High school clique diplomacy really is fucking stupid.
Eh, the fan has about a 62% chance that Howard couldn’t hit him if he stands still. No wonder he’s confident.