
"[apple] came up with the user interface that they got from Microsoft which Microsoft got from Xerox." ...what?

i always assumed the doc was selling drugs and needed a high school contact.

christ there are a lot of exclamation marks in this article!

I googled "syncing iPod touch with something else" and this was literally the first article:


yeah well it still sucks

they do. via jailbreak, and it is a piece of shit. i use it regularly and have tried to like it, but it is just easier to type a word out the traditional way rather than drag your finger all over the screen obscuring the letters all the time and then getting the wrong word entered.

yeah nah it defiantly does, i just tested it now. makes sense really, why would you have an application, whose sole function is to browse pictures, open with no windows showing? I mean, sure you should have the choice as to wether or not you want it to remain open in the background, but by the sounds of it this memory

usually this is how they end

I always thought hitting the red x on iPhoto closed it - i.e., you cannot run it with no windows open?

Yes! I am yet to encounter this is real life either.

yeah i dont get it, i still command-tab all the damn time on Lion.

It was Apple paying to be taken over by NeXT

really? you think doing this makes any difference to anyone or anything in the world except you and your bank balance?

i am sure Apple has a solid business continuity plan and validated secondary / backup suppliers they can turn to.

just move the app to the trash and be done, no extra application required. the files left behind when you delete an application on the mac are typically pref files that are <1kb and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

perfectly cromulent use of of "irregardless" there. Nice!

what kind of plane is that in the picture?


why now? why not 20 years ago?