
Simpson has that kinda cash? I guess her clothing line sells well or she made good investments? 

The GOP has been withered down to a few talking points: fear of immigrants, the 2nd amendment, and abortion. They don’t push the economy because they don’t want to own it when it goes in the shitter, they don’t discuss healthcare because everyone hates the GOP model and tax reform is a sham.

The Chinese buffet was cheap and I was in college. Cut me some slack.

That son of a bitch puppy laying on the flag!

Now playing

John sucks because he’s talked shit about Howard and there was no reason to backstab the person who made you famous. It was a good prank, however, this is the gold standard of prank calls. 

Who leaves a voicemail anymore.  I’d hate to see your text messages. 

This was informative.  I honestly had no idea he could do a special appointment.  

and she gets up like it’s happened before

There was also no Jerry Jones to stick it to. So Zeke gets six with no charges and investigators saying there’s reasonable doubt. Seems fair.

This tubby bitch deserves all the bad shit.  The real crime is the price of beer at a baseball game.  Half my cup is the god damn cops. 

This is what happens when you say the media is the enemy of the state. This is why people want to and should harass any GOPer. Fuck civility.

So this guy is just trying to do a sports version of a younger Howard Stern? It’s been done buddy and much much better.

Why can’t she champion Ms. Cortez instead of ignoring her?  I don’t get it.  I know she’s old, white and terrible, but shit lady this is the future.  

Spanish is hard. Masculine/feminine nouns. Maybe she meant to use the AZ version of the N-word instead of the AS. You know like the formal usted instead of the casual tu.

A trade war will fuck the economy. My prediction is Trump will boast about being tough on trade and then backdown only to frame it as a “good deal” because he knows about deals or some bullshit like that.

Anyone who learns an instrument starts with the same basic chords and you go from there. I think it’s entirely possible some of these younger artists have never heard some of the songs they’re accused of ripping off.

Anytime you’re on a plane it might be your last meal. I don’t care what you eat, but you should...keep your fucking shoes on, not stand up as soon as the plane touches down, make a loud as phone call. 

Trump can tell his crowds to “knock the hell out of them” and we’re supposed to just shrug and say, well that’s just Trump talking, you don’t take him seriously.

It’s not hard for him to drum up hate against a non-white woman. If Trump made this agenda they’d fall all over themselves talking about how he’s finally addressing ignored problems.

Thanks, the 538 podcast mentioned them yesterday.  Sounds like we’re going back to 1950.