
She’s done. You can be a Fox News reporter like a Shepard Smith or even Chris Wallace and flip networks.. I think it’s harder for the “personalities” to go mainstream because you’ve gone so far down the shit hole you can’t come out.

The only appropriate place for this sticker is the entrance to a GAP.

So in the age of cell phones no one has video or pics of all this Louis C.K. dick holding? Even if it’s true I’m not sure anyone really cares because he’s damn funny.

Holy shit this is stupid. There’s something called presidential and it’s knowing how to threaten someone without sounding like an ass clown. It’s odd you left Bush out because even the “axis of evil” had a nicer ring to it than Rocket man.

If you isolate any player on a given play this happens. Especially if you watch WRs “block”.

Don’t let this guy off easy. Fucking Hollywood assholes invite him up and all wink and throw a party. He was lying to the country.

What’s missing from the NYPD film? Where did you see the accurate recap?

This is the same protocol from the NYPD body cams posted the other day. If you have a weapon, even a small knife, the cops can just shoot you even if there’s no threat.

Man I used to love Straw back in the 80s. What the fuck.

That first drive only lasted because of a bizarre roughing call

It’s only 1 game into the NFL season and I look like a fantasy genius. Not only did I draft him in the 5th round but I started him last night. I know he’ll burn out, get run into the ground and injured. Just let me enjoy my joy for this little bit.

I just googled the setlist and it starts out really strong, but it’s a lot of melodies of the hits instead of the songs. Second half of the show is mostly stuff I’m not familiar with, but maybe hardcore fans will like it.

There’s historical significance to her book considering she was the first female nominee. However I think all this is just too soon.

That’s chickenshit of the cops to throw the flag comment in there.

What a surprise. A university that tried to host a Richard Spencer speech has racists.

Backdoor cover- when some shitty team gets a meaningless late score to fuck your cover.

Odd that Meyer would shit on his old OC. I guess coaches are just dickheads no matter what.

Kid fucking Rock can sell 6 shows in one city? Who is watching this shit?


She’s Jedi mind tricked this fucker. See if you look like you save DACA they’ll all love you!! He buys into it and then looks like he’s willing to work with both sides. The GOP hates him more and there’s no way he gets back on the ballot in 2020. All this guy responds to is sucking up so maybe that’s her play?