
I used to get upset. Now I just laugh. He’s fucking the GOP so hard for years to come.

So how is it Joe Mixon isn’t suspended?

You’re not the first with this take. He got married to please his dad and fit the mold that would work for sponsors and the media. Not saying he didn’t love his wife or kids but he loved a variety of pussy more.

There’s no way he comes back to the tour. He goes to the TV booth or an early grave

Hey gun nuts. These fuckers are your well armed militia. If you don’t think they need in depth screening before buying weapons and ammo you’re nuts.

I can’t wait for his 30 for 30. I hope they don’t have to re-edit the ending.

I’ve already heard the “ungrateful, overpaid players aren’t oppressed” take.

These groups have and had support for some time. Standing up to them didn’t energize them. Sure you can protest with signs and chants when these fuckers show up with shields and armed to the teeth.

I was off twitter and then logged on yesterday to see the reaction to this. Logged back off and deleted app. Holy shit I can’t believe the “where’s the left outrage after black lives matter or Berkeley.” I even saw the “we’re sick of all the last 8 years of racial division.” Did these people not go to fucking

They could sue because the fucking cops up and left when it was “too dangerous.”

Ask for cash as a gift. It’s fine to do. I’ve know a couple people who had 200 or so guests and received cash as a gift. It’s practically a house down payment.

I seriously don’t think I can speak to anyone who voted for Trump. I don’t give a shit how good the market is now.

Remember when people lost their shit because Obama didn’t say radical Islamic terrorists. Yet here we have people using Nazi salutes having a rally and he won’t say Nazis are bad.

Did they pull this motherfucker out of the car and detain him?

This shit goes on and we’re calling North Korea crazy?

This doesn’t seem like a smart bet. Way more risk than reward. Granted if you have 800k to waste like this the risk probably isn’t a concern.

Do these people know what happened under the Nazi regime or do they just do the salute because they think it’s cool? I’m seriously shocked, but I guess I’m just not realistic how the world works

Congress? To do what? Police the NFL..the players? This incident allegedly happened before he was in the league, so are they going to prevent NFL teams from drafting players?

I’m not sure this will get reduced since the NFL has put in the minimum 6 for a domestic issue.

I used to love the NFL and fantasy drafts. It was like Christmas. This is my last year to play fantasy and after Zeke’s suspension I’m positive the Cowboys will pour it on after he comes back and get my hopes up only to watch him make some bone head play in the playoffs and fuck everything up.