Not all white doctors are the best
Not all white doctors are the best
So the officer to the right of the car, closest to the victim, doesn’t appear to reach for his gun or even begin to look nervous. I would assume he could hear the conversation?
I used to have major gym anxiety so I’d go late at night or early when it’s not peak bro time. I’ve learned over the years most of the people in the gym really don’t give a shit about anyone else...unless you’re a really pretty woman and then you might get stares and unwelcome help or advice. Sorry ladies men are…
God those hoods and robes must smell like shit. KKK is a south thing and it gets hot as fuck in the south. Just think of all the sweat, ugh smelly.
Legalize weed ASAP. Grow it, tax it. Stop with the nonsense of gateway drug. I don’t know enough about the others honestly.
Lord and Taylor should kiss and make up. Preferably in bikinis on film.
Man Saban is acting like someone decided to kick a long field goal that got returned for a touchdown to end the game. Luckily that didn’t happen, I mean you’d have to be real dumb to make that decision right?
I’m pretty sick of these nitwits but she didn’t create or alter the picture. Maybe she approved it, maybe she didn’t , but bitch at the company that produced the picture.
Does your dog bite.? ..no...(bites man) I thought you said he didn’t bite.
So it appears the officers knew this woman might have had mental issues? Is there any history of this and was no help offered? Especially with kids involved?
Only during football season. I’ll agree it’s a lot of fun because every week is new (I know that sounds like the ad). I’m not sure “fixed” is the right word because you don’t know who will perform. However from what I read the issue is employees had knowledge of what players were being picked in advanced and then…
So she was shot in front of her kids? Super
Maybe that young man was part of a well-regulated militia.
Does Jay-Z mean as much to kids today as say Migos or Kendrick Lamar?
Faxon and Zinger are actually pretty good. However, they do a poor job of on course announcing and do they not have announcers in individual towers at certain holes like NBC/CBS? It didn’t appear so.
For sure try a new and interesting career when you’re fresh out of school with no wife, kids, house note and all that other garbage. Don’t be obsessed with making only making money or you could get stuck in a job you might end up hating.
In a time when arts are under attack this is excellent.
When my daughter is old enough I have a lecture titled “any man who wants to buy you a shot is an asshole.” It’s short, but to the point. Everything else I’m turning over to the wife.
What a dipshit. Force Awakens had a strong female lead as did Rogue One. Ghostbusters had an all female cast, but instead of using those as examples and saying “we need more of this” she goes to pick on Spielberg?
Poor technique for running into a teammate?