Where are the trigger happy cops when you actually need them?
Where are the trigger happy cops when you actually need them?
He should be thrown out of office ASAP.
I read on Twitter, don’t know who, made a point this kid is 17 and probably told all these lawsuits are made up. I thought it was an interesting thought.
Being white for 44 years I can tell you I’m still surprised when people I know use the N word (after looking over both shoulders) and assume I’m good with it. I’ve learned that if a person of another race does something they don’t like the racial attack is the first thing they go for.
The idea he’d be suspended is stupid. If he called him a cunt or a bitch would that be any worse/better? You want to fine him for ref abuse that’s one thing, but this is bullshit.
Yo Leroooyyyyyy.....
My wife seems to think Trump, Pence and Ryan are all going down. I hate to rain on her parade but none of that’s going to happen. Maybe some campaign associates will be taken in, but I think we’re stuck with Trump for the full term.
Why in the world has ESPN based their future on SAS?
Why couldn’t the cops have shot these dudes? Stolen car, child inside. I don’t think you’ll see a lot of protest if you unload the clip.
I saw bits and pieces of Ball this year. Is he really #2 quality?
I’m not sure why this national tragedy doesn’t get more attention. Maybe it’s the news cycle but it’s almost as if people shrug their shoulders and go..well that sucks.
Why the hell would you put this in a memo?
My wife continues to hold out hope he’ll get impeached. I told her she’s wasting her time and should concentrate on the 2018 mid term races and local politics. If anyone goes down it’s someone in the campaign for meeting with Russians. There’s no smoking gun linking Trump to it (I just can’t believe anyone is that…
Dallas to Olathe Kansas. Holy shit there’s nothing in Oklahoma. We stopped at the Will Rogers museum once when I was a teen and I was praying for a natural disaster. Then you get to Kansas and at that point I could relate to early explorers looking at the ocean wondering if they’d ever hit land.
That must be why people chant “build that wall..but we support legal immigration!”
I don’t know what age they send kids to alternative school but those little shitheads need to be sent there ASAP.
If I handed someone a book and said “here, this is the way we should govern and live our lives. I don’t have any proof any of this is real, but it’s an old book so don’t question it” They’d punch me in the face or run away.
This stunt worked. I bought the PPV. I want to see this fight even though I have no idea who these people are.
If someone’s quote is to build that wall they’re saying/writing it to make a point. That point is to piss people (minorities) off. The whole idea behind the wall isn’t security, it’s to keep Mexicans out. The theme of the quote and the idea of it is racist.
Get an index fund as soon as you can. Fund it as often as you can.