This is the last stand of angry white people. Hopefully last November’s election will motivate people who sat on their ass or wanted to elect an outsider will wake the fuck up and turn the tide on 2108.
This is the last stand of angry white people. Hopefully last November’s election will motivate people who sat on their ass or wanted to elect an outsider will wake the fuck up and turn the tide on 2108.
Man I need to get out more. I have a 7 year old and all I saw was Sing, Secret Life of Pets, Finding Dory, and Rogue One.
How many times has Fox tried and failed to beat SportsCenter? Maybe they should try and actually air sports that people want to watch instead of people who can’t play sports yelling about people who can.
Blackjack is the devil’s game. It’s so frustrating. I’d go bankrupt playing craps.
If Abbott can stand for one then I’ll say everyone should
This dude is creepy. Anyone see his top lip sweat on the Sunday news programs?
No, this post was about race and I’m saying my penis is color blind and will not discriminate. Everyone has a type, but to limit your dating pool to one race is silly. Live a little.
Hopefully the Dems are understanding why people flipped to Trump. What motivated them..the answer isn’t “they’re all racist or stupid.” Until they reach those voters it’s going to be problematic. For fucks sake don’t call potential voters “deplorable.”
As a man I can say penis knows no race, color, or religion.
I am officially old. I’ve never heard of this person.
He’s 41? That can’t be right. He looks terrible.
Tribe was great, but how are two Time songs and once Prince song a tribute to a man so great. Bruno did well and I was surprised at his guitar skills, but how do you not put him on stage with the actual Revolution?
How about these dummies stop showing up if they don’t want to win and make a speech. Oh I can’t possibly win because B is soon great. Shut the fuck up and stop boring us with your never ending whale call sounding songs. They should have let Florence Welch do the George Michael tribute.
George Michael had so many good songs and she picks that one to bore us with.
Does anyone think it pisses of the current cast that Baldwin and McCarthy have to be hired guns to play these roles they can’t?
Remember all the people who said...we don’t want a politician...we want to shake up the system. Fuck those people. I know politicians are annoying and self serving shit heads but you have to understand the system to have an impact.
This chic is a dummy but not dangerous. We have bigger problems than a sun dried talking head.
stupid and horrible. Fix the post season and shorten the regular one.
It’s just too bad Houston can’t get rid of their old domed stadium that no one uses and takes up prime parking space for NRG.
The Woodlands is what America would look like if the Germans won WWII