
You forgot the inevitable drunken fight between bros that will occur at one point.

I always liked Black Star off the Bends.

I love the gym because I see some of the most bizarre people there. Is the deadlift then drop a new thing because I see lots of people do it. Even with a trainer.

Thank goodness he wasn’t wearing a gas mask full of weed or the NFL might have a real problem.

I love the EPL announcers. It seems almost all of them get their passion across and can still eloquently describe events without screaming like a lot of American announcers.

If Nashville was an Erotic City they'd be cool enough to appreciate the effort.

What are the odds Tunsil could figure out two step authentication?

So the appeal of First Take is you hate these people so much you have to watch? I’ve tried it, but none of the opinions are really that good or even backed up by facts. It’s pretty much guys bullshitting on TV and getting paid a ton. They also put a hot chic in the middle to swivel her neck side to side.

4 mill a year? Holy shit...for just going on tv and being an asshole. To think this guy was writing for the San Jose News.

I’ve never understood the need to talk shit to very large people who would kick the shit out of you.

Is Tirico that good? I guess he is from everything I read, but he just seems very generic. Nothing really captivating about his calls or his style.

Everyone knows concussions are dangerous and that slamming yourself into huge human beings or the ground can cause them. The players know the risk and will continue to play, but they want honesty. I’m not sure why the league continues to ignore something everyone else already knows.

I’ll be curious to see what Washington does in the draft. Kudos to them for making the playoffs, but it’s not as if the Skins rolled in. They were the best of a bunch of shit, and I’m speaking as a Cowboys fan.

I actually like Batdance, but I assumed someone would take a shot at it. I watched the video on MTV last night and hadn’t seen it in some time. Someone commented earlier about the Vicky Vale breakdown and it is good.

I wonder if the ratings spike they might consider video blocks and less stupid teen girls who can’t (refuse because they want fame) to use birth control or drunk bros and whores living in a house.

Take Me with U is a personal fav. Just something about the chorus of that song.

Fuck you

As a child of the 80's and MTV this is crushing. Prince and Madonna seemed like they were MTV and all of pop culture.


Great basketball and a watchable SportsCenter. No one should ever bad mouth the 90s