
You don’t like the hot dog dance? What the fuck?

Maxim seemed fresh when it started, but got really boring and repetitive.

I’ve seen surprising comparisons to Scott Norwood’s Super Bowl miss and the two are not in the same category. Norwood was solid but just pushed and from a much tougher distance.

How much do the laces impact the kick of that distance? Looks like he yanked it, just like my wedge when I tell myself...nice and smooth, but don’t hit it fat!!!

Not really, they won the division (a shitty one without Luck playing) but they have a solid defense and you could go the FA route for a decent QB while you groom a new one. Not sure what they think of Savage.

The hit on Bryant in the first half wasn’t nearly this bad and that got flagged. I actually enjoyed that theses two teams obviously don’t like each other and were laying big hits. A little throwback football.

They also need a running back because Foster is done. If Forte doesn’t want a boatload of money he’d be a pretty good fit if you’re starting over at QB.

Putting Watt at wildcat RB is one of the stupidest calls I’ve ever seen. That playcall basically means you think your entire backfield and QB are retarded. Granted they’ve played like shit, but that playcall sucks.

Star Wars a factor? Are these people fucking idiots?

Remember to play with house money. If you win a $5 blackjack bet then make the next bet $10 and so on. My wife drives me nuts when she’ll only play $5 a hand no matter what. It’s the only way you’ll make money unless you’re an advantage player and I don’t know anyone who can successfully AP, but it does appear to be

Steelers are beatable, especially on their 3rd/4th string backs. Big Ben has been very pedestrian to close the season.

Congrats! I see no harm in playing the $3 and $5 contests for a distraction and to make shit games somewhat interesting. If you’re looking to win big on DFS then you have unrealistic expectations.

Billy Wagner > Sammy Sosa?

610 in Houston is a complete piece of shit, and that’s saying something for sports radio. They’ve shit on UH for years which is mostly justified. However, instead of talking about the great year it’s this nonsense. I’m a little shocked that Herman would act this way instead of just getting out of the interview.

College Football is the worst. Completely takes away the return game and negates a good defense because of starting ball placement. Give up one first down and they’re in field goal range.

Hard to believe the Eagles were stupid enough to give Chip this much power without someone with NFL experience there to show him how you handle players.

Is it bad I don’t care if Manning took HGH or not? If it helps him recover then fine.

I do the single texts. I don’t know why, but I feel if I type a whole paragraph it’ll be ignored or something. I suck, but I rarely communicate with others so there’s that!

Norman/ODB should be entertaining this weekend.

Do all games have this angle or is it only MNF? If not then don’t teams playing on MNF get some sort of advantage having this additional view for challenges?