Mac Man

Rian really didn't need to be held accountable in that each one of these films was originally intended to be a separate entry by a different creative team. Lucasfilm should have had a coherent vision for the trilogy before any forward motion was made, but that wasn't what they wanted.

Would be much improved with just the geometric design and no words. It's less fun if you spell it out.

hope you aren’t looking forward too much...cause i don’t see how there is any chance in hell, Disney is actually going to go ahead with those 3 movies when he has divided the fan base as much as he has...

Hope this does good things for the value of my Methuselah rookie card

Yesterday 2 - Get Back

According to MovieHole, Disney is allegedly considering a sequel or live-action remake of The Nightmare Before the Christmas.

Things are as good as they’ve been in 25 years.  You people blow my mind.  You’d rather see the world burn because you don’t like Trump.  

As much as I hate to admit it, even I stopped watching The Simpsons after season 20 or so. Other shows slowly became more prominent in my watching rotation, until eventually The Simpsons faded completely. It sucks because the show almost singlehandedly got me through childhood with my sanity (more or less) intact (I

I mean, I think The Village was not great, but I very fondly look to Signs and Devil. They were solid movies if flawed. Yes, the alien invasion angle is ultimately dumb, but everything around is amazing.

If I went in to watch Unbreakable knowing it was a “comic book movie”, I think I would’ve been disappointed. One of the neat things about the movie is that it kind of sneaks up on you in that sense, even though the very first shot is a comic book quote.

It’s because the staff have a gigantic hard-on for the Black Panther movie which, don’t get me wrong, was fantastic seeing an amazing cast like that in a movie, but came up short in other aspects. 

Wow... uhh...

My issues with the new SW movies have nothing to do with women! 

so basically they created the findings of a study, then found criteria to make the findings true... okay. But this:

An anonymous woman coming out to Buzzfeed about vague sexual harassment accusations is “incredibly brave” in the #metoo era? How so?

You mean FREE asbestos and broken glass?

Heroic? The little out-of-touch pocket reality that produces writers for GMG, Vice and The Cut must be some special place. A room full of people enjoy a hilarious comedian, but you focus on the unhappy one “forced” to watch.

Actually, that was pretty sad. It’s not very nice to bully a person who’s in a bad place and isn’t allowed to work even though he didn’t commit a crime or anything. His apology was the sincere one. Obviously, it wasn’t written by some PR team and he admitted that his behavior wasn’t ok. It wasn’t criminally wrong or

Because others like an artist more than I do, I want that artist destroyed!