Mac Man

Lady and the Tramp: Frankly I’d rather see it remain in the vault than have it edited for modern sensibilities. That’s a slippery slope... especially for a company with some very old property.

Of course its also possible the in-house coffee... is Starbucks.

Nothing unites the Internet like a common enemy... it almost doesn’t matter who the president is today.

Hulu will soon be Disney++

You know when video games let you create your character as black or white but really they all have white features... That’s what this looks like. I’m looking at you PUBG.

Then how do you explain our Genesis?

The after title Robotnik is him after taking all the vaccines at once to catch up... and as I typed that I realized that might be true. Sad.

Whenever I see a movie like this I think, what was the movie they passed on to make this?

Why care so much what people who don’t run in video game circles think of video gamers?

Completely rebuilt from metal, his body is as stiff as his acting.

To be fair this is 7-9 of the Skywalker saga. Otherwise it should be episodes 1-3 of some other trilogy... perhaps as it should have been from the beginning. I happen to think there’s room for both, but not this mixed bag we ended up with after 7 & 8.

The movie should further increase the value of this bad boy...

They jumped the shark when Yoda poked Luke and set fire to the tree. If force ghosts can do that, why don’t they kill anyone they don’t like while they sleep? Why didn’t Force Ghost Obi-Wan kill Darth Vader and save Luke the trouble? The Last Jedi was so poorly thought out that it ruined 8 movies, not just one. I

Feels like it... seems like a lot of intentional elements to that fact.

Seems like a setup to have Rey and presumably Kylo who is driving it 1v1 on an isolated planet.

The RISE of Skywalker? Talk to me people.

Who can’t get excited about a movie that hasn’t been officially announced, starring an actress that hasn’t signed on yet, and with a plot that’s completely unknown. Can I pre-order my tickets yet?

Unless you consider murder a crime.

Uncle Machete lol