Does he even have rights to the dance at all or would that belong to the production company that made Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
Does he even have rights to the dance at all or would that belong to the production company that made Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?
Because men hunt and women nest. Booooooooooooo!
“Be good to each other”
And in a year with nearly as many mass shootings as days, what could be edgier and more provocative than a revival of Charles Bronson’s 1974 gun-nut revenge thriller?
Hey look, another article mentioning Kaepernick to the Washingtons. Perhaps because people are afraid to say REDSKINS, they forget the absurdity of suggesting a guy who isn’t playing because he kneeled for racial equality playing for a team named the REDSKINS.
Carmelo could never work in a service industry. If he could learn to share, he’d still be in the NBA.
But why take the chance!? Lol
No six guys taking a dump on the street in SCUM? Maybe next year.
Just a guess but it might be that RDR2 is not on PC. Not a lot you can do with console graphics.
Please stop bringing up Kaepernick every time there is an opening. For a team that loses its starting quarterback, the season is over no matter who they bring in. It’s certainly not worth the additional potential headaches he brings, justified or not.
Why are we ruling out the obvious, the dogs did it to themselves?
Their entire Binghampton team still would have had less solid prospects.
It would also be nice if we could have two primary weapons and a secondary slot for a launcher or knife.
It also gives people less incentive to push themselves, create, invent, and better the world. This is why Communism and Socialism doesn’t work. In the end, most people are only motivated by personal success, but some of that success does have the side benefit of helping others.
More than that, I’m waiting 3-6 months to see what they add to a game that right now seems to be little more than a framework. The “they” in sentence is probably modders.
Alternate title:
The problem isn’t the engine per say. The problem is that the engine is built for single player games. Todd Howard said this at the reveal (or on video) that the challenge was that the engine was built on the actions of one player and now had to be rebuilt to react to the actions of many players. Sounded like a sticky…
Preceded by big expectations.
What annoys me is how many buy a ticket now that never did earlier, because 100 million or 200 million wasn’t enough. Well I’m not doing it.... my wife did it for me.