Ben Affleck as George Reeves as Superman.
Ben Affleck as George Reeves as Superman.
I would love to see him return to a quality acting film, but I can’t hate on his paycheck collecting. I’d probably do the same after a solid decades long run. He’s had a mighty solid career and people know he can act. Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if we do see him in one more prestige movie.
If Gunn let that angry raccoon join the team, I’d appreciate the reference.
I guess Liam Neeson is that kind of actor now, huh? Not hating, but it’s a weird turn to witness after being an A-list actor in varied, nuanced roles. He’s now the new 80's Charles Bronson.
Personally, what I like about the Matrix stories is the guts to go weird whether they succeed or fail (and the sequels were mostly the latter). The latest Matrix was just be a generic popcorn action film with a linear story. With the Matrix, I want to be confused, lol.
I’m with you. Big fan of the original. I was so excited that I even made illustrated a Matrix piece prior to watching Resurrections. But this new one didn’t click for me.
You could argue that at the time of the filming and initial planned release, Armie Hammer was also a star whose career was heating up and could draw an audience even more so than Depp. And then, things happened that I’ll decline to feast on.
Wait, Bruce Willis had EIGHT movies last year? Damn. Though I’m not surprised that I haven’t heard about any of them.
It can be both. The movie was definitely bad, but releasing it in HBO at the same time as the theatrical release (and during a pandemic) certainly affected the box office numbers considerably. Other movies have done better without the burden of being paired to streaming.
But, man, that movie was so disappointing.
Pitt, Cotillard, Zemeckis, and a WWII spy movie from only 2016? How did I not know that Allied existed/ My wife reminded me that we moved to another country that same year. I guess you can still miss stuff in this day and age if you’re not paying attention because of a move and a shitty election year.
My same exact though. My 12 year old daughter recently binged the entire live action Spider-Man films (plus Spider-Verse) during the holiday break, but will have to wait a bit longer to cap off the 9 movie run until NWH peters off at the box office and reaches streaming tv.
I stand corrected.
I enjoyed his performance on No Way home, but I feel the discourse about that needs be shifted to his performance on Tick, Tick... Boom.
I’m not one who normally enjoys modern musicals, but I was absolutely blown away by his acting on that film. More people need to talk about that film. Pop culture discourse has been…
Ridiculous. 1985 was 25 years ago.
Or a vodka drink.
His perspective is important and I’m glad he said it.
I consider myself empathetic to the plight of disadvantaged people, but I overlooked the Snow White story because it is so ingrained in society. It took a celebrity like Dinklage to make me see what he saw in that story.
The Disney Snow White is out there and will…
Definitely more compelling if it’s Jackie’s dream and you’re probably be right. I just understood it as Shauna’s because of the way it was edited and it didn’t “feel” like a trick cut.
Hottest 60 year olds on tv.
Sorry, off topic: So that’s what Jimmy Buffett looks like. I just know him as the guy that a certain type of older white friends seem to like. I’ve known his name for decades, but I never bothered looking him or his music up.