It’s crazy to think that there was a time when Cosby was practically America’s dad. I grew up seeing him as a good old dude with harmless g-rated stand ups. What a piece of shit.
It’s crazy to think that there was a time when Cosby was practically America’s dad. I grew up seeing him as a good old dude with harmless g-rated stand ups. What a piece of shit.
Sure, I get that. Terrible movies, but I’d expect suits like that Batman and Spider-Man costume fetching more because of the idea that a rich guy would love the idea of owning a wearable superhero costume from a movie franchise. Besides, it’s one helmet from a random trooper, while a popular movie star playing Bruce…
I need an explanation for how a stormtrooper helmet from RotJ is worth more than double any of those suits.
That’s what I always thought too. Even now, my instinct is to think that it’s a spy camera.
It seems pretty clear to me that the first three wasn’t Connery. When he finally got to do it by the fourth movie, I appreciated that he made a good silhouette with the bent knee and swaying off arm.
The Spectre one now seems funny to me now because Craig didn’t even bother to hide his gun while walking. He was…
That multiple Agent Smith fight was the scene that ultimately took me out of the movie. I had no problem holding disbelief and riding the FX escapism, but that crowd fight ended up looking waay too cartoony and rubbery. That’s when I knew that I was trying to force myself to the love the movie.
They shot a pre-freeway action scene right outside my work window in downtown Oakland and I remember geeking out, but trying to keep my composure because I was an after school teacher at that time.
The fact that I had no camera or phone with me to take pics of the then production secret Ghost Twins (hence, no proof to…
Somehow, a Tom Waits cameo in a movie means I will enjoy it.
If that Mario Bros movie bombs, you can cut and paste this and just replace 1 letter.
And that actor is, you guessed it...
It was honestly the easiest joke to make at the moment. The fact that the producer did not expect it says more about him.
I’ve noticed that the TWD recaps have been consistently two episodes delayed. Am I the only one who’s confused by this?
I normally don’t care about The Emmys, but looking through the list, it made me wish that Conan had won the Best Variety Talk Series. He and his crew deserve one last standing ovation from their peers.
Every year, I see a social media post greeting Magic Johnson on his birthday and I am so glad he’s still around and healthy.
I still remember where I was when I heard that Magic has HIV. I was in a school hallways and it felt like everyone was stunned. We assumed that getting HIV was a death sentence. I’m glad that he…
Nah, as a brown guy, if I’m in Texas and I see someone who I suspect is a crazy white guy with a knife, I’m turning the fuck around.
I consider 21st century Cage movies to me as gigs that he takes to pay off massive debts after living the life of 90's excess and gaudy purchases. I tend to avoid them unless word of mouth is really, really good.
I once went to an INXS concert during the dawn of 90's grunge rock. Watching the crowd try to mosh pit to INXS’ saxophone and Hutchence’s ice cool voice was hilariously entertaining.
Physically, Holyfield looks fantastic for a 59 year old guy. I wish I had that build and I’m in my 40's, BUT fighting a pro fight at that age is just plain stupid.
He’d be better off doing movie cameos looking fit a la Wilt Chamberlain in Conan and he’s hear paper compliments like “I bet he could still be a champ.”
That name sounded familiar, so I looked her up. The kid from Sleepless in Seattle? Man, I feel ancient now.
Martin Short’s character also wondered the same thing. It’s explained in the show.