Son of Spam

“Morrissey is a xenophobic has been” is quite the surprising line from a Superman family show, and I welcome it.

This episode was big upgrade from the last one, but Lana’s husband remains a huge, annoying weak point. I hope they fix the character soon because there is absolutely no reason why the Kents would consider

Hah! I should’ve added that Diana’s character was such a one dimensional cardboard cutout that I found it insulting because the writers’ intentions for her, successfully or not, was so obviously clear: make her a doe-eyed innocent so that her impeding death would be so tragic for the viewers. That’s some corny, b-movie

More the latter being a product. It clearly is a high quality produced series with some great actors, but I quit watching by the third season because the story felt like pandering to the fans of royal drama. Every character is unsympathetic and so unlikeable except for Diana, who is being primed for tragedy porn.

That San Francisco apartment of the “poor” sister rents for $3,000/month. At the very least.

What a jerk.

Baby, don’t forget his number of allegations.

My take with Lana saying “Superwoman” (and looking at Lois while saying it) was that it was an inside comics reference to various versions of Lois Lane as Superwoman in comics from the 1940's to more recently sharing the title with Lana Lang herself.

I’m way out of her target demographic and my musical taste is vastly different (early 90's grunge kid here), but the anniversary song seems like the logical thing to do for a 23 year old with over a million subscribers and trying to build her music career.

It got everyone talking and made people check her new music

Yeah, totally. It’s not a name I’d choose.

It’s a tough guess, but my first thought was Deathstroke because that was part of the original plan. Though being Snyder, he might go for a more grandiose, louder tease.

I would’ve said Green Lantern or somewhere in the offworld New Gods vicinity, but those two properties are already being developed for a DC series

From the comic books that I’ve read of Naomi (which isn’t a lot), the character likes to mention DC comics heroes and their cameos shape her opinion of the world as a bystander.

There’s also a subplot of her trying to know her parents while living in a small town, then discovers that she is special and from a different

My prediction is that Snyder will leave a little bit of a surprise tease juuuust in case there’ll be an interest in a sequel or film within that universe.

It seems like a no-brainer for a movie to do that these days because it’s hard to turn down free money if it’s there.

The further away from looking human and trapped in uncanny valley, and closer to confusing alien design, the better. So, yeah, second one is an improvement.

Lol. Though as an Asian person, I’m offended that the soy sauce bottle was shockingly underused.

That’s true, but the same could be said about Naomi and Stargirl. At least Yara has the Wonder Woman/Girl tagline.

I actually assumed that the show creators thought it would be a shoo-in because of the combination of Wonder Woman + more inclusivity to the CW slate.

Easiest guess would be the budget. The Superman and Naomi shows will need considerable expenses in effects. Adding the Wonder Girl series (with another heavily super powered lead character) most likely made CW execs nervous especially in the age of covid and the huge shift in tv viewer habits with streaming channels.


Is it just me, or does Michael Cudlitz’s hairstyle game me a “if Biff Tannen became a Fed” vibe.

I was hoping this series would be at the very least watchable, but this pilot episode doesn’t seem promising.

I honestly thought a live action Scarlet Witch costume could never work. Just too comic book corny. And yet, when I saw Wanda in it, I had ...feelings.

Pretty sure that Luke Skywalker himself will deny her membership.

JuSt Be GlAd ThIs WrItInG sTyLe Is OvEr.