Son of Spam

I am happy to see my friends post about getting their vaccination. Finally some good news after a long year of hopelessness. And personally, if it annoys any closeted anti-vaxxer in our social media circle, then even better!

If people seem to take issue with the photos, then that’s their problem.

(Ow, my back.)

He also couldn’t have sex “for over a month.”


It works.

69, dudes!

Exactly. I remember having a weird pride in thinking no one could tell that I had more than a few drinks because I was composed in conversation and walked normally to the restroom (before resting my head on a wall when the door is closed). Then again, I bet everyone else thought this of themselves and we weren’t

In the late 90's, I once was a background extra in a bar for a friend of a friend’s small indie film. I remember clowning around and overacting as a drunk with weird faces because I didn’t think it would matter being an extra, but I now wonder if I ruined his shot.

Now playing

I went to a San Diego show for their Full Moon, Dirty Hearts tour in the mid-90'sand what I remember is that the crowd kept trying to mosh pits to their songs, which wasn’t surprising because the Seattle/alternative scene was absolutely dominating the music scene then. It did create quite the confusing scene with

On one of her more recent tweets (Jan. 23, 2021), she’s complaining about a $400 champagne bottle she ordered in a restaurant and then mentions flying off to DC on her private plane right after.

You’d think that with the increased attention on her, she’d be smarter with what she posts especially after promoting


Two things. Rogue One is one the best Star Wars movie ever and I love it. Also, yes I agree, Riz Ahmed was severely underutilized in that film.

I’d like to hear the other side’s version of Every Breath You Take.

The show has been away for so long that I barely remember much of the story. I know I enjoyed it, but I also know that I will definitely struggle putting characters and backstories together when I watch that final season.

Here’s the thing, Voltes V is huge in the Philippines. HUGE. I didn’t know about the ban, but it’s clear that it dodn’t work because even a decade later, Filipino kids like me were still watching the series and a few of us could sing the Japanese intro song (and we don’t speak Japanese).

Voltez V mech toys are still

Hell, even with a body, Bat canon sometimes waves the magic wand with a convenient Lazarus Pit.

That would be the predictable next step, wouldn’t it? I’d laugh at how disastrous it would be, but I’ve given up predicting what Florida will do.

The naked elevator couple cracked me up. The guy looked like he was 2 feet away from her and aiming at her right thigh.

I know a guy from high school calledMitz” and we always assumed it was always his name since childhood.

I recently found out that it was my fault because I misspelled his name in our 8th grade class. I was asked by our teacher to make a class cleaners poster. Basically, it was a schedule of cleaning responsibilities

Not now, Anna.

This is my first time finding out that the actress’ name is Ragga Ragnars and I had to look her up because that’s such a fitting name for the series.