I’ve seen this discussion on twitter, but what is the most profitable movie of all time? I can’t think of any other film except for The Blair Witch Project. Is there another film I’m forgetting?
I’ve seen this discussion on twitter, but what is the most profitable movie of all time? I can’t think of any other film except for The Blair Witch Project. Is there another film I’m forgetting?
*Unreleased Nirvana track.
I don’t mean this disparagingly, but as a matter of fact. The guy is so off his meds. He must be a chore to deal with at home and at work.
As a 43 year old man, I’ve finally accepted that my early 90's grunge era music are now Classic Rock radio music. Pearl Jam and Nirvana hits are almost 30 years old.
I was a loyal listener of Carolla’s podcast for the longest time from the very beginning. I’m a guy who can take jokes that can veer off the edge. I get it.
I’m honestly surprised that The Philippines banned it. Unlike its neighbors, the current administration are quite the brown nosers to China right now.
The Philippine president is acting like Chinese state governor and even retracted that very same Hague ruling that the Philippines filed (and won) vs. China. Any…
Except for Buddy Christ AND Rufus, the forgotten 13th apostle because he’s black.
Thank you. My 9 year old daughter is big into books now and she LOVED Dear Justice League. She’s also a huge fan of LumberJanes.
Superior in every way.
A rainbow braided rapper, a bejeweled My Little Pony necklace and a Smurf village. Sounds about right.
Not sure a town nicknamed “hangtown” would be ideal. Tahoe Niners though...
Jesus, that looks awful and cartoonishly perfect for Fox News viewers. I hope it dive bombs in the box office.
Dennis Quaid was piloting his tiny plane inside Woody.
You had me at “Once”. I was ready to dismiss this film, but “Once” is all I need to give it a shot.
They really named it The Hella Mega Tour? That is embarrassingly hilarious and yet the most appropriate name for that tour.
Which one is 1776 twitter?
Empty love story that takes itself too seriously, misses badly trying to look cool and relevant, but was a huge hit --- So, basically the Twilight of 1970 boomers?
pick up trucks, guns, plaid shirts, a Walmart type action scene, Kevin Sorbo...