The K's were just promoting their new perfume. Out Summer 2013.
The K's were just promoting their new perfume. Out Summer 2013.
And now the whole NBA knows. Thanks, dad!
Refresh my memory. How'd he do in that LAL-BOS game? I was big Walker fan early on. Watched him in '01 and his instincts were sharp. Unfortunately, that period was the pinnacle of his abilities.
And in Chucks. Those hurt.
Ok, but to where?
I just showed this to my 3 year old. She may not understand the video concept, but I'm hoping something resonates deep down & she grows up carrying dad's fascination with space & Mars travel. At the very least, the Hello Kitty helped her enjoy the video.
It's Bill freakin Russell. Jesus.
Greetings! I bring proof of a TLJ smile.
Damn you, naked engineer.
I had a different reaction. A Ducati dealer just opened across the street I couldn't car less about the hype since I know nothing about these thing. So when I read the (needlessly) referenced title, I thought "Oh, so thaaat's a Ducati."
Go on.
I respectfully disagree. It's the other way arouund. Thanos is the Marvel Universe's closest equivalent to Darkseid.
But do I needed robo-fins in 2030?
And Rick the Sheriff with a Southern drawl in The Walking Dead. And American hero, Brody, in Homeland. Who was also the All-American Sarge in Band of Brothers. They're taking the country back!
Twist: It's a Battlestar Galactica movie tie-in.
The great Adam Hughes doesn't seem too happy about Black Milk's use of his Leia print. His facebook page recently posted a statement in regards to this:
Not a solid bet. Her dad fought for the Union Army.
I know what you mean, but "Chinaman" has a different history to it. It's linked to the 19th-early 20th usage intended to discriminate & sub-humanize Chinese immigrant laborers in the US. You could say it's like how "Jap" sounds harmless as a shortened word for Japanese, but we all know it's linked to WW2…
In the 1950's, sure. It's not as bad as "Chink", but it is offensive. Go ask the Googles. The more you know.
And this allows you to be a racist dick because?