
only fitting that after a fat guy scored on fake FG for Steelers , the Broncos returned the favor with a fat guy interception to seal the win....

Bridgestone Blizzak fan here- I’ll get close to 3 years on them - my 3/4 ton 4wd hauls a lot of stuff- from 30' catamarans to doing 7k miles with a heavy [maybe too heavy?] camper with fishing boat in tow ....  living in the Rockies at 8000' the UV just eats up tires- on my cars I have too often had to change because

heh! heh! ...heh!!!!....trying to eat dinner here.....

welp- heh Jon!....ship him off to our Broncos- that lad might just need a change of scenery...

pfft- you are SO far behind.... my FB feed has locals in my little village posting that the REAL culprit is the remote readable ‘smart meters’ that those alien-colludin’ utilities have forced you to have in your home. The link goes to the “Millennium Report” [a fun place in and of itself- pretty much check marks every

you might be right on the basis of sheer talent [tho George had one hella arm] but I never saw much to indicate Eric was locker room toxic....

he was the Jeff George of the NBA .....and never got beyond himself then thru now

thanks for the ‘insights’ .... I was glad to see Morton’s sketch re the genesis of the “agenda 21 CT” - in my very small village we have quite a few devotees to that crap and I have engaged in a lot of heated discussions whilst all the time wondering “where did this shit come from?”...

Suppose if one stays on the internet long enough this can happen... I’m a FU grad - took getting kicked out once [girls?...girls! in the apartment!] and a solid 10 years to get that BA- after all the world needs more BA educated carpenters- so I am not one of their brighter lights.... still : FU one time!!!!

yeah- we were sure we would meet Hunter S out in derailed by some wannabe Buddhist monk selling cocaine out of his teepee. Just skied instead....

Somewhere the other side of Nashville the psilocybin kicked in and by the time I had piloted us into St Louis I was hopelessly lost in the stockyard section of town. An earlier episode with some potent LSD had rendered it impossible to get back into the Pinto as it had dissolved into a nasty greenish puddle so I was

Utopia fiction is passe because it is way too unbelievable . Exhibit A ,fresh from this AM’s news: “Serious disruption to the Gulf Stream ocean currents that are crucial in controlling global climate must be avoided “at all costs”, senior scientists have warned. The alert follows the revelation this week that the syste

please dig a bit deeper:  I’d like to know  what has this state done to create an educated, tech/engineering/manufacturing work force?

yep- last year on a 6 week overseas trip. I tried to use my GFs ipad to do photos and writing and business. Photos were ok enough but writing? ugh. [never could get my cheap keyboard to sync] this years trip I just said screw it and packed my Mini and keyboard and monitor into the camper....could do quickbooks and

the phrase may have come down via old 12 step rooms [and could well have been DF Wallace’s inspiration] I have heard the admonition to stop giving obsessive thoughts “free rent in your head”  for over 20 years now.  Its obviously a reminder to lay down the victim card as well as a gentle intro into “don’t believe

I feel the original artists have a real complaint.  But I kinda want Satanic Temple to remain a performance wink-and-nod outfit.  When they go “We want ours!!” it ruins the Infinite Jest moment.... 

my 5S is running 12.0.1 just fine.  Other then battery life it still works great.  Likely I will attempt a new battery replacement and that will be the decider on keeping it another year....

Put me in coach- pretty sure I can foul Klay once....ok maybe not....ok not...

the only battery explosion I have had happen was when I had one sitting in a kids electric Power Wheels- it was tilted, the hydrogen went to one end and the first spark when they turned the switch- BALOOM! I was in the house and FELT as well as heard the explosion... no injuries- just two scared kids and a bonkers

thanks for this- I’ve built a few boats [with decidedly modern techniques] and have often wondered about the available waterproofing materials earlier cultures possessed and how they sourced them....