
Coming from a 100 mile up orbit at superhigh speed is one thing. That sets up a nice fast steep glide. If it fell off the 747, it wouldn't be in the right position or at the right speed. It would drop like a rock and it wouldn't be pretty. From NASA:

Chase plane/photo plane. Looked like one of the standard astronaut training jets, T something or other.

Converting Neil's archives to high quality digital would be a lot easier if he used Plangent Processes' techniques for removing wow and flutter.

"Welcome to the homepage of the Centennial Bulb, the Longest burning Light Bulb in history. Now in its 110th year of illumination."

"Raymond, why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?"

It would be really awesomely great if Apple would update their MacPro tower line which has languished for years. The freakin' laptops have Thunderbolt and not a pro machine?!

Now playing

Who needs a ground hog when you have a quahog? That's what Nantucket says!

Fortunately the freemasons and government operatives in the subterranean chambers of DIA will have the damage fixed subito!

Easily one of the best collections of old (and beautifully restored) photos of cars and trucks from the early part of the 20th century:

No love for Tassimo? I've had one for years and it's great. Better than the Keurig because you can get a variety of cup sizes - espresso comes out in just the right amount. You don't have the breadth of brands, but meh.

Amateur night. Pass! haha

Sorry, I'm confused. How does the Chrysler Building at 77 floors and a 1076 ft fit into all of this?

Don't forget about the DHL plane that took a missile hit and survived. I'm guessing a hit on a hijacked plane could damage it but not enough to make it crash.

"ordinance strikes the deck of the USS Enterprise"

Stay classy MSNBC

The Smithsonian has a piece of the plane that hit the Pentagon. A woman was stuck in traffic as the plane roared over and hit a light pole, knocking a piece of the plane off: