
His stage name wasn’t Eddie Creative Commons...

Some sort of photo ID (or multiple) is important to match who you’re claiming to be to a random name on a 1040 form, but sure.

Never underestimate the power of narcissism, laziness and ambition (to get the next pay check at least, by doing what they feel is easiest and least risky to do) within the leftist brigade.

Even better, surprise headlights, that pop up on random locations on the car— the roof, facing the wrong way on the rear, suddenly appearing from the dash to blind the driver. You name it!

I think this guy is selling his.

They really do make them dumber in middle america.

Math time:

Always enjoy the class warfare nonsense in the comments section as well as in the articles themselves. Do you really think that people who have more money than they could spend in 10 lifetimes are worried about making more money? They do what they do because they enjoy it. And most people I know are anxious to be back

They (glaciologists) do call that kind of thing calving.

Everything about this is surreal and ridiculous. The future is so much more mundane than the 50s would have had us believe. lol Just the fact that NASCAR is running the races virtually is astounding. But then for a driver to get dropped by a real-world sponsor because he ragequit the game? Satire can’t even keep up

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To do everything QAnon ever wanted, in one moment
Would you derail it, or just end short of the ship?

Yo! His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There’s vomit on his sweater already: Mom’s spaghetti
He’s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
To sink

You do realize Jalopnik is FILLED with writers who live and work near the center of NYC. I used to read almost every article on this site, now I visit about once a week to see if Andrew or David have any new content. You can’t have a perspective on America solely from the middle of its largest city...

Yeah, posts like this makes Giz’s journalists look like they’re out of touch with 50% of  america. It’s just bad.

They get room, board and medical care as well. It works out to above minimum wage.

For what some of these scumbags are in there for? Ha!.... they’re lucky to be getting anything!

Bradley, Bradley, Bradley......

Sorry not sorry

I remember going on a drive with my college housemate back in the day. She just compulsively would flash her high beams at people for no reason. I was like “wtf are you doing? What information are you trying to convey to the person in front of you?” She was very confused by the question and was like “I dunno i just do

You leave the purple mountain’s majesty alone. Next thing you know, you’ll be editing out the fruited plain, too. Philistine. 

Belt lines are getting out of control these days.