
The series is on a steady decline since the excellent pilot (which the AV Club incorrectly rated lower than the subsequent episodes)

I find many parts of your statement to be presumptuous and entitled.

I feel like thats kinda typical for really cool HBO shows. They put so much love and care into the pilot and the second episode gets a little shortchanged or just can’t hold up in comparison. I still have high expectations for this though

Aw man, this makes me so sad as I’ve been eagerly looking forward to this since I first saw the trailer. I’ll still watch it whenever it hits streaming, but oof, I had high hopes.

Yeah, this episode was a big step down for me. Even when I wasn’t struggling to tell what was going on because of the machine-gun exposition, the poor lighting and sound mixing filled in the gaps.

Being mysterious and being muddled are different things.

So what is the point of this?  Like is the right spinning this as some sort of attack on them?  Or is it just the typical “Oh she is a nasty woman because she used a no no word” crap

If a friend of mine were friends with someone who did what Louis CK did, I wouldn’t be friends with them anymore. Would you?

I had read most of this before, but reading all in one place just, SMH. WTF is up with people hiring a-holes over and over again? What was so singularly amazing about Bryan Singer that he couldn’t be replaced? Is bankability even a thing? Doesn’t everyone have flops at some point?

We watched just the first run in the first episode. Mostly it’s frustrating to me, watching people try to figure things out. But I did enjoy the fact that when (uh, spoilers I guess) the daughter in the first group “sacrifices” herself to knock over the obelisk, they don’t show her being removed from the “lava” by

I feel like Winds of Change is a parody of a podcast. There’s not much actually happening, there’s no proof of anything but that doesn’t mean the podcaster can’t fill an entire 45 minutes of fluff. There’s a really good podcast in there about the CIA and popular culture and any podcast that devotes an entire episode

Counterpoint; it’s both mean and funny.

“Also, redux: McAdams is 41, Ferrell is 52....Just yeah. :S”

Now playing

To me, the best scene in the film was the airplane missile strike. I have never before or after seen a film so effectively readjust it’s own stakes, and say “no, we’re entirely for real about the situation here”.

There’s something about watching his joy at discovering he can do more than he ever imagined. It was really empowering and powerful. And so much damn fun!

As great as this scene is, and it is, it’s no “Dash discovering that he can run on water”.

Oddly enough, it happened with Superboy back in the 80s. 

Considering shelter in place began as a somewhat-novel upending of social expectations and is now dragging on as an interminably boring slog with no real end in sight, Kohan seems like the perfect showrunner for the job.

The Costellos are hot trash. Doug Matthews would be a nightmare to work with. There are so many low-rent assholes associated with this.

The one guy who owes 6 million in retribution pays $160 a month. That’s less than my student loans! #Merica