

Haha, had to say this out loud right after I read it.

Damn, which paper is this?

Exactly. It’s incredibly easy to avoid his trolling and it’s an absolute embarrassing way to position yourself as a presidential candidate. It really says a lot about her campaign mindset and the people she’s surrounded herself with to pull this stunt at all. Hammer policy and the benefits of it into people’s heads,

If Hillary’s presidential bid was brought down by the attention loving Anthony Weiner, than it seems only fair for Trump’s to die by Omarosa. 

These articles have been of my favorite reads this year, particularly for the interesting tidbits I learn. TIL there was a THIRD Tales From the Crypt movie. I can’t believe I didn’t know this!

I never regret either reading this site or living in Chicago. 

I’d argue it’s less superhero movies that have done this, but another comic adaptation, 300. After the painstaking recreation of the Frank Miller style physiques, then no one had an excuse for Batman, Spider-Man or who-have-you to no be as ripped as their comic counterparts.

Why the hell are they making these? Just make something (Not Chappie 2) original!


Thanks! Been looking forward to this doc. I’ll bring Kleenex to spare.

I saw a tour a few years back where they played this album start to finish, amazing. It’s still a great record that really set itself apart from other emo, punk LPs at the time.

Accurate, I find it the most underrated sci-fi movie of the aughts

I can’t believe we are going back to the same island again. Aside from the third act of Lost World, you would think we could travel to a different location of some kind. Boring.


I, for one, could not believe there were 18 of these movies and had double check Wikipedia. Is this the deepest running horror franchise ever?

I think Newton can be included here. Just off the top of my head.

This has to be a reoccurring comment for FoodSpin articles so I’m not trying to be cheeky, but why don’t you ever include photos of the process?

And the rush begins...
