
I feel like Marvel may have ditched the mentally ill stereotype, to appeal to political correctness, honestly.

He comes across as less mentally ill, TBH. In S1 he had a childlike capacity in his thought/communication, I felt.

Brains vs. Brawn. vs. Tai. Tai is really the only person on beauty I care about. Once Cowboy Caleb went down.

I was smiling from ear to ear. From the moment she did that, I was certain that Tai would come out looking better, and less of a schemer than her. I'm rooting hard for Tai.

So explain to me why there was a button for "Dad", and a button for "Mom and Dad". It is inane and insane to claim that they are still married.

Flash is great too. Highest brow of all the CW superhero shows. Plus Jesse L. Martin.

The answer is obviously Henry Allen. Dad, and "Dad and Mom" on the phone.

Also note that the phone said "Mom and Dad". It also had an entry for "Dad". His mom got divorced and remarried someone else clearly! Dad lives by himself now. Dad is Zoom.

Nope. The phone said "Mom and Dad". It also had an entry for "Dad". His mom got divorced and remarried someone else clearly! Dad lives by himself now.

Why does this have so many upvotes? What a joke!

Tonight was some sweet, sweet karma. Peter/Liz call for a 2/2/2 with Neal and Aubry getting the 2 votes, when instead Peter/Liz get split 2/2. They just threw it right back at them. Beautiful retribution.

I love him.

Best episode I've seen in years. This is an easy A.

I wanted a full episode of young Trish/Jessica, TBH. Kinda like what they did with Kingpin on Daredevil. I found it to be tremendously insightful and fun to watch their origin.

I felt young Trish was a great lookalike as well.

I got Matt Damon, or possibly Patrick Stewart.

And that's where we disagree!

I actually was rooting for Jessica to somehow turn Kilgrave good. I was cursing my TV when she instead drugged him. Sigh… I thought it would be so much of a happier ending if she could fix him somehow. But that wouldn't be WWJessicaDo, I guess.

Fargo should be #1.

I have a hard time understanding how anyone could hear anything other than Rami Malek during that scene. I mean, he had the exact same speech patterns. Sounded just like Elliot.