
Everything he wears is just Gucci. It’s not like he’s rummaging through thrift store stuff. He’s just piling on whatever was on the runway due to contractual obligations. In some cases identical to how they styled it. It’s corporately designated eccentricity.

Chris Brown still has a career somehow, are you surprised?

They say you’ve gotta separate the art from the artist and all that shit, but this guy beat the fuck out of a pregnant woman and he’s on top of the Billboard charts?

Glad your summation was that the fashion industry’s entire game is insane markups on basic clothing that starts at the street.

Love to see a bruh making money moves. But it’s funny how this tweet came out and eat before he launched Off White. Also this dude has no background in fashion besides a single internship. I can’t believe the hype of streetwear launched him to icon status.

Vote vote vote vote vote. Vote in every local election. Vote every time they crack the door to the polling place. Fucking VOTE.

I also find it bizarre to pretend that “getting this body back” doesn’t mean a few trips to the plastic surgeon. I’m sure before and after pics will be presented as if getting plastic surgery is an accomplishment or something, and that’s weird as hell.

Because they’re caricatures of women

Lie detectors only mean you know how take lie lie detector tests, asswipe. (Simmons, not you)

The Kardashian body type is so bizarre to me. Why would you spend all that time getting a perfectly toned stomach and legs but then buy yourself a fake ass that looks downright comical with your teeny waist and toothpick legs?

I know I’m gay, but still, all I can think when I see this photo is:

Worldwide, the zealots of every religious variety are all about fucking the children.

This would be equally a problem if she was over 18. The [problem is cultural practices that clash with American values. (This is hardly only for Muslims mind you. Plenty of creepy Christian sects out there as well)

Another reason why all marriages, even those with parental consent, should be illegal for minors to entire into.

I don’t mean to talk out of turn, but a 34 and 33 year old with a 16 year old and they’re trying to force her into an arraigned marriage?

And the almighty dollar. 20 fucking grand for your daughter? Rot in hell


She’s probably socially liberal just like Ivanka used to be. She wants to hang with those liberal L.A. and NYC elites her father’s base hates. I seriously doubt she will ever publicly disavow or criticize him though. She’s probably still on his payroll and doesn’t want to mess up her chance to inherit something.

Nah. Don’t fall for it. She’s one of them. Still Team Trump until she cuts off all contact, money and speaks out against him.

With all due respect to you, Rebecca * But fuck Tiffany Trump. She is NOT an ally. She is NOT part of any #resistance Tiffany Trump is interested in Tiffany Trump and could give zero shits over seventeen dead high-school kids. Any one with the last name Trump deserves not one iota of a benefit of doubt.