
She is a professional concubine. Her real work is behind closed doors, with the lights off. Her “modelling” looks as stiff and miserable as she does now.

Both she and Barron look SO UNCOMFORTABLE doing anything in public. Barron’s an eleven year old kid so all sympathy there, but she was a friggin’ model! How can you be that stiff and unnatural when your job used to be posing for photos?

I had heard about allowing women to drive but for fucks sake, does that really deserve a pat on the back!? Shit was draconian 50 years ago. I feel like SA modernizing should be met more with “it’s about fucking time” than “good job! here’s an award.” I guess I shouldn’t be so negative but this shit chapped my hide

Whoa, what did the Saudi dude do to jump out to such a huge lead. I know the Kingdom has been swinging its weight around with regards to Syria, Yemen and Qatar but I wouldn’t imagine Time’s reader base would be super invested in Arabian peninsula politics.

Why is the crown prince of saudi arabia polling so highly?????

Perhaps they wanted his face aged to keep the figure relevant a bit further into the future - but why did they also anticipate him having a BUSTED NOSE?

Oh America.

Now there’s a fun exercise - what’s a name that would destroy a sizable part of your world?

................just leave me obama ok? dont know what i’d do if i found out he was a predator

They raping everybody out here.

Why is everyone condoning the fact that Chrissy Metz is obese? None of these red carpet or reporters have said anything. This is not ok. I want one person to say yes this looks good but girl for your health and being here in 10 years lose the weight.

Tracee also had this look:

Yay for your burpday! :D

I was thinking how strange it is, how the murder of eight people engineered by a fuck-crazy white dude was SUCH A BIG DEAL while (presently) the regular slaughter of people by random angry white dudes barely gets a blink. Manson has been an infamous legend for those 8 murders for over 40 years. I’ll bet most Americans

Amazing that a woman with a net worth of between $85M and $100M couldn’t buy an education that taught her basic grammar.

That’s a mic drop right there. Nothing else needs to be said- if you want independent contractors, then you deal with the consequences if you abuse the relationship.

I was also wondering about the legality of making them tip out if they are independent contractors.

We need cooperatively owned strip clubs so the dancers are the owners, and if/when they move on they can cash out and pass the opportunity on to someone else. It’s not rocket science - it’s managing the basics of a strip club, and I’m sure they’re are many experienced dancers who can do the books, order the booze,

Pretty much every single Stripper in the US could sue their club owner and win. If your independent contractor, you shouldn’t have pay for any infractions as long as you aren’t causing damage to the club.

This is why I hate heavy labor (construction, drilling, mining, commercial fishing, truck driving, military jobs) in general. When you sell your body, you are the product. Your self worth and personal value is literally monetized. It’s gross. Don’t sell your body!