
In your defense, it’s pretty obvious you have no idea what female skin looks like in real life.

Unloved? Lambo

Your dad sounds like an asshole.

“new tripod axle drive shafts”

I’m not a pilot either. However, it appears as if the real culprit of the hard impact is gravity. If the earth had less mass the impact wouldn’t have been as severe.

You are looking the gift horse in the mouth, Ballaban.

The title picture looks funny because the model was rendered in isometric projection. It’s not natural and can make things look distorted.

Now playing

While not technically a V8, the W8 is my favorite 8 cylinder sound. To quote a friend “it sounds like a wookie orgasm”.

Now playing

This guy in his old school hot rod who got tired of hearing Honda’s rev their engines. Jump to 20 seconds for the fun

Neither are killjoys.

How’s the structural integrity of the roof? Because with those wheels, that climbing ability, and my propensity to do stupid shit, it’s a very real factor

Easily my least favorite color combo so far. I saw one at a light the other day in all black.

Motor Trend, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dodge

Hose in different area codes


It will have to.

It’s easy to get it to oversteer. Just hack at it with Photoshop.

I like it too. I’m a bit disappointed in the lack of roof rack. If you’re going to give me a shooting brake with AWD and 681hp, I need to strap stuff to the top of it, because I’m going places.