There are A LOT of rumors within the whole football circle that Aaron either gay or bisexual. Apparently his parents are extremely religious and that is where the “conflict” is coming from.
There are A LOT of rumors within the whole football circle that Aaron either gay or bisexual. Apparently his parents are extremely religious and that is where the “conflict” is coming from.
If someone isn’t emotionally secure enough to handle a protest statement by a WNBA team in front of about 7,000 people without throwing a tantrum, that person probably shouldn’t also be a police officer.
So are they walking out on the justice and accountability part? Or the fact that they dared to wear a shirt with names of two dead black men?
The cops that walked off can’t even say it was because “there was anti-police rhetoric being used” (some morons still think that saying Black Lives Matter means other lives don’t). They had the Dallas PD logo on the shirt as well. They took an anti-violence stand, and those punks walked out. Fuck them then. I’m sure…
We got an air popper as some free bonus thing when I was a kid, and never, ever used it because air-popped popcorn is nasty styrofoam compared to any other method, and seasoning doesn’t stick to it. Yick.
I had no idea “popcorn snob” was even a thing.
“Hortelano’s name shouldn’t be too unfamiliar to U.S. audiences; he competed at Cornell.”
Nah, for dinner music instrumentals are better — less distracting and easier in the background. I really like GPM’s “Spanish Guitar” smart playlist for dinner time.
Agreed. Maybe it’s not “novel” anymore, but it’s still really impressive.
I guess in lieu of making something people actually like, you can intentionally under-perform and call it really edgy satire. I know when I’m insecure about the results of my efforts, I sometimes self-sabotage them - for example, if I’m making a piece of functional furniture and I want it to turn out way better than I…
“No one is impressed by your dumb choreographed videos, OK Go.”
Watt, you made the worst internet mistake. Never respond to “that guy”. That’s like responding to the “grays” on Kinja.
I’m not as familiar with men’s development around the world but I assume pay-to-play is suboptimal wherever it happens...and in men’s international soccer you really can’t afford suboptimal development on a big scale because there are just so many countries putting so many resources into better programs.
Notable predictions from Stephen A. Smith’s ancestors:
He is, however, 6-for-6 when it comes to screaming his predictions in a condescending tone.
More world cup winners than the Euro. And way more entertaining.
Thank god that “THAT GUY” didn’t take Friday off.
Fuck you Schilling. Fuck you for preventing me from voting Rovell. Worst tweet should always be Rovell.
Muhammad Wilkerson is extremely fed up with the Jets.
And now you know the reason why they don’t!