You are why Trump won.
You are why Trump won. he’s a Yalie? Pfft.
Thank you! Bashing someone for using their privilege for good is rubbish. And why bash him? Only because he’s privileged? And you’re right, he’s not at all throwing it in anyone’s face. In fact during the interview, when the audience clapped for him, he said that the brave women who came forward should be applauded.…
Uh I know. It’s so frustrating to see people talk like this. It’s such a black and white perspective. Like hey, you were born into privilege? You automatically suck! I don’t care if you worked super hard and built up good credentials to get where you are... you still suck! Uh no. That’s not how these conversations go.
So? He worked hard for it. Are we bashing people now for simply working their asses off? So what if he has a privileged background? He didn’t use just that to get in to institutions. He made sure he was qualified enough to do so. Do you want him to give up his job and give it to those college grads? I mean good god.
“Perhaps not. But that résumé also couldn’t be achieved without any privilege to begin with.”
So you’re saying because of who he is, he should sit on his ass and have no ambition—even if it’s to do good? He should have a less meaningful life to be “fair”? That he, as an individual who has a right to pursue his dreams and make his life matter, is not entitled to do that because you think he’s too entitled? And…
He spent 10 months investigating a topic to help those who have been sexually abused by a powerful man. He used his privilege, status and smarts to help people. What the fuck is wrong with that? I commend him. Use your attack for someone else. He doesn’t deserve it. Itching to bash the privileged? Bash Trump’s kids.
He’s privileged yes, but he uses that for good. There is nothing wrong with that. Stop shaming people for no good reason. He’s earned all his credentials by merit. It’s pretty clear just looking at his resume.
I’m a black, disabled, queer woman from the south and I don’t resent a fucking to-the-manor-born journalist one bit. He hasn’t taken a thing from me and, with this gig, has given so very much back to me. Hush.
I think it’s unfair and futile to ask individuals to tamp their ambitions to “make room for someone else”. This is precisely the reason we need systematic change — you can’t simply ask a smart, motivated, passionate, educated person to ‘just not’. They have every right to do what they want to do and this is a…
Is there any job he could do that you wouldn’t attack him for?
He’s a’s not exactly a high demand job...It’s not even one you need a fancy education for...(though he does use his education as a focus for his investigations),’s not even one you need an employer for in the internet age... There is plenty of room for others.
This is just painful to read. You may be super duper fun at parties!
Okay please. Yes he is privileged but that resume above cannot be achieved by privilege alone. Come ON.
The only reason I didn’t assume it was a woman is because Twitter is tech bro central.
Hey, I’m sitting over here in a rural red state thinking that the guys who don’t spit in your face for even asking if they’re a feminist are like, totally woke and shit.
She lives in a townhouse and the balcony is the top floor deck (right outside my window). No idea how the intruder got onto such a high deck, but he fled by jumping onto my fire escape and through our building’s emergency exit door. This morning there were a couple of suits on her balcony, discussing the merits of…
Ellen can wear any goddamned glasses she wants because she is Ellen fucking Barkin.
Or the “well...yeah” with the look of “oh god, what did I do to make her ask?”