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Which author are you?
Meh - I’m no fan of Kim K, but I mostly took this as the normal reminiscing we all do about our prior selves and who we thought we were... The whole “I wish I was as fat as when I thought I was fat 10 years ago” kinda thing.... When I was 34 (Kim’s current age) I would look at pictures of 27 year old me and think…
You can’t just will bodies to do what you want them to. Body types are body types and it’s so much more difficult than calories in / calories out. The fact that every woman of a certain wealth level HAS different body types and that there exist wealthy women without jobs who want to lose weight but can’t seem to is…
Thank you - I gained weight in my mid twenties. Everything got bigger - but my boobs and butt especially. I did not get “ass implants” but while it was growing I worked out a fair amount so it was kind of that big solid squatter ass instead of a flabby ass. Idk her plastic surgery story but it’s pretty rude to assume…
Indeed, we can all claim to be feminists, but actually being feminists is so tedious. Thank goodness that when we’re confronted with a woman who doesn’t meet our standards (e.g. she’s not ‘authentic’ enough), we’re released from the shackles of decency, and allowed to skip gleefully through the lush fields of misogyny…
Didn’t you know? If a celebrity behaves in any way we don’t like, they deserve to be mocked and belittled—no holds barred.
Not sure how old she is, but I have a kind of similar body type to her and my ass got significantly larger once I hit 30. I mean, when I turned 30 I gained 10 pounds overall, but I swear that 8 of it went to my ass. (Not saying for sure she hasn’t had either ass implants or thigh lipo to make her butt appear bigger,…
This is such a mean girl comment — figures it’s the one that Brown chooses to feature.
It’s such body shaming. To a lot of people, that is skinny. And she looked fit and healthy. Do other people’s definitions of skinny mean looking emaciated?
Ohhh geeeeeeze! This is just reaching unnecessarily. In her eyes, she was thinner than she is currently and feels as though she was skinny. Why nit pick and pull out websters? Every woman does this.
No one ever called this rape, they call this sexual assault. Which it is. Also, if someone’s isolated you and is touching you and not caring that you say “no,” that is not laughable. That is frightening and they need to know that that’s not ok, and we’re all glad you got out of there.
You’re aware of the difference between rape and sexual assault, yes?
ok, a) it wasnt a rape allegation, it was a complaint of sexual assault which fot the guidelines the uni laid out as what constituted such. B) I was touched up like this too. I pushed him off me and kept it to myself too. I had no “White Knight” either (at the time). The guy who groped me went on to seriously sexually…
Rape is included in sexual assault, but is not the same thing. Nobody here is saying that men are not sexually assaulted, or that it’s not a big deal when this happens to them. Someone who attempts to force themselves on a person—such as what happened to you— and fails will probably try again and succeed. That’s why…
That’s what I was thinking. Like, wait, the original story was the lede in the last dirt bag and it took up half the freaking page, but the follow up is a small, secondary paragraph. Oh, yeah, that’s definitely fair.
Wow, you are sorely misinformed. The issue isn’t that white women have full lips or can’t have them. The problem is that the media doesn’t deem something such as full lips, full butts, thick thighs (a lot of which black women have and have had since the dawn of time) as beautiful or desirable until a white person has…
You might want to look up the phrase “self loathing” because you clearly don’t know what the fuck it means.