No - read the first tweet. He explicitly mentions rape scene.
Really? I thought her progression from someone who was afraid and who didn’t know how to load a gun to someone who puts her own life on the line and who uses her presence of mind to protect herself (albeit temporarily) is considered an arc by definition and it certainly a characterization as opposed to a springboard…
again, that went right over your head, didn’t it?
Where did I state that women weren’t raped or that shitty people didn’t exist?
Not really - their characters were explored, not as much as the main two, obviously, but were the subjected to pain just to cut to Max’s or Furiousa’s reaction, while their own pain was cut out? They had to escape Immorten Joe, and as the movie developed, we got glimpses into their characters that was NOT defined…
Oh right, because that’s how criticism and opinions work
Sansa scene was not a way to show her weakness, it was to show Theon’s suffering and to develop his character. The characters are not fully rounded, but there are several nuances and scenes which made them out to be more than victimized women.
Where did I state that women weren’t raped or that shitty people didn’t exist? Victims of rape don’t fall in love with their rapists - or at least, it’s portrayed in the book and the show as natural progression, not as a twisted thing. GOT is based on medieval times, yet the GRRM and the show’s writers use the…
It was preceded by “No rape scene” & “sexual slaver villain” so you know...context. I’m pretty sure he knows they were raped, he just didn’t mention it in the second tweet. It’s why I posted it in that order.
No- that’s his point. They didn’t show the rape to somehow develop Max’s character or his understanding of their pain. It’s what they faced, and it’s what they’re escaping from, it’s about them, not about Max.
GOT - both the book and the series are misogynistic and racist to boot. Victims of rape fall in love with their rapists, Dany’s White Man’s Burden, the treatment of POC as savages - medieval societies in the east were just as ‘civilized’ as their European counterparts, but GRRM perpetuates the colonial image of brown…
Uh no. Rihanna DID NOT release this photo. It was a leak. Posting this picture is a HORRIBLE thing to do.
Exactly. Her aggressive marketing and PR ploys are what get her hits. She doesn’t use feminism to promote any causes or speak up about problems within the industry, just to piggyback on it so she can get a free pass on making shitty revenge songs about people and leaving “clues” in lyrics sheets about them
Dude don’t. We don’t need to be looking at her bruised face. It only victimizes her further, in a really gross way.
Me and my family are doing great now, after a rocky start. I looked up to her as my Dad after the death of my biological father during my teen years & it made me horribly upset that I was not going to ‘lose’ another one. Did she have to put up with my shit and my resentment? HELL NO. But she considered me her family,…
Random parking lot lol