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    Even a with a $20/yr for only the digital version I'm in, but $7 for something I'll only read for a month? I prefer to spend it in a $5 game that'll last me for 6 months of entertainment.

    Great, but I'm not into music inside m mags.

    Do we have any data to proof that people is actually doing more private stuff than public at gPlus?

    Back in highschool I was an avid reader but at that time I start shifting from a magazine reader from a web surfer, EGM was soon replaced by 1up, MacLife for MacStories and so on. I love the idea of Newsstand but $6 an issue? I could get an EGM for $3 back in the day.

    I use to love this App called Can't Wait. Now it has been unmercifully slaughtered by this Apple app in every way possible.

    You missed one feature. It floats!

    Be nice to each other.

    Of course it won't outsell the iPad. But it's the first non-Apple tablet that won't be a flop. I was thinking of getting me a Kindle just for reading, but now, the Fire is my option.

    They need to add ESPN the way the 360 did and I'm in! (Oh wait that IP restricted and I'm not at US, cancel that leave the tv as it is!)

    If I recall something similar happen to Bill when he step down. True they are still breathing but for the industry they don't.

    Because people like you, wizards choose to live hidden from us.

    They were allowed at the WWDC, I believe I saw Matt there.

    Google Translate shouldn't be an Essential, it doesn't let you copy/paste translations, I recommend iTranslate instead. And what about Tweetbot, Siesta, and Dialvetica (which fixed the Phone part of my iPhone), Calvetica, Hipstamatic, Feedly, or (The app that'll make your wife smile, when she finds you got it) YouAndMe

    I'm at a country with no army. We had the Big Boss around here in the 70s.

    Hold on there fella. Speak for your country, not all America have extreme temperatures and four seasons. Down here is always a paradise.

    If this thread was a pub, and I screamed " iPhone Rocks! " I know I'll suffer a painful death.

    I don't think Ballmer could be that dumb. RIM don't have any real value to a tech company, it's not like Palm and the WebOS, they only got their user base. If I was Ballmer I'll buy Sony (PS, Vaio, S-Ericcsson, Cybershot) for a similar price tag, I'll do more good for MSFT adding many important brands, absorbing one

    That sounds easy to do. Can you explain my Dad?

    Using the V mask for the hackers news is wrong. This guys are criminals (talented, yeah), this isn't like the WikiLeaks guys, this fellas are trying to profit with other people's money and data, using the V mask is not only wrong, but is encouraging this type of practice, so please Gizmodo: cease.

    Ok now I'm officially freaked out! Can someone anwer me what will happen to the iWeb users!!