
Congrats to Patton Oswalt and Meredith Salinger who got married yesterday

Yeah, when people are still critiquing his tattoos and bringing up the noise complaints these days, I’m like,

I just messaged my BFF and told her one of us was supposed to be Oprah so the other could be her Gayle. We realized we were each content with being the Gayle and that was the flaw in the plan.

The fact that the former presidents are either inadvertently or purposely mean girling 45 makes me smile for a moment. If I had more skill I would edit the “you can’t sit with us” to have the presidents’ faces.

I think the one problem with asking for a private plane for Christmas is that it’s one of those gifts that is going to cost you in the long run. Oprah surely wouldn’t also be paying all the associated costs (pilots, fuel, etc.) each time Gayle wanted to fly somewhere, right?

The two aren’t mutually exclusive nor one excuses the other. Sociopathy, for example, is a thing that stops people from understanding right and wrong. It’s a condition. But it’s still a thing that puts people into prisons, which is fair.

All I keep thinking while reading these excerpts is, “Huh. Someone thinks he’s Henry Miller and is doing a shitty job of trying to be Henry Miller and failing.”

Just because it’s shocking doesn’t mean it’s not realistic. There was nothing in any of the excerpts quoted above that seemed obviously satire to me.

Yup misogyny and sexism can make men put aside their religions, political views, skin colours, ethnicities, social class, basically everything, because abusing/disprespecting women is the greatest linking point of MANkind.

Once again, for those in the back. Satire necessarily involves AT LEAST ONE CLUE that it isn’t true. There has to be some whiff of insincerity, some tiny indication that something is a little too much to be true. It has to be at least over-the-top enough that people question the veracity. OR IT’S NOT FUCKING SATIRE.

Yeah, this has been brewing for years and his protestations that the eXile offices were paragons of respectful professionalism are eye-rollingly laughable. Unfortunately he’s always been another member of the back-slapping Untouchables - it’s not like women haven’t been saying things about him and Ames for years,

Am I the ONLY one who remembers the kerfuffle when Taibbi left First Look Media for inappropriate behaviour involving a female journalist? You don’t shutter a whole, high-budget, high-profile new media startup for minor reasons.

Oh yeah, fucking Norman Mailer has been the anti-feminist Great Satan since forever, and yes he abused and stabbed his wife. And yes, Baldwin was happy to partake of the misogyny du jour. Women HAVE always been a disposable prop for Male Genius. When a man wants to devote himself 100% to his calling, yet still have

Wait. So it was titled a memoir and labeled as non-fiction yet they are now saying it was all satire and fiction? I find that hard to believe. It’s interesting that Taibbi and Ames are now on opposite sides of the political spectrum. I imagine it was the same back then yet their shared misogyny and sexism united them.

It’s so hard to really know; because men who hate women often also want to have relationships with and/or sex with women so their hatred is stealth.

I don’t think its satire. Western males preying on women from ex-Soviet countries following the collapse of the USSR was a pretty noticeable phenomenon. The 90s in Russia were basically lawless and gang-dominated.  

All I can say is that reading this gave me flashbacks to the Seventies and Eighties, where ‘irreverent’ and ‘counterculture’ ‘satire’ were so often conflated with bald-faced misogyny. I feel like this is something that has actually gotten better.

That’s the thing that got me too. They’re clearly not alone. These guys got read by people around the globe who cheered them on and lived vicariously through this. “Oh you forced a child to have sex with you? But that child was hot Russian trash. Naughty naughty, but seriously, guy give me the facts about police

Right. And if it is just a misogynistic fantasy, then it means they are a bunch of frauds that were benefitting from passing fantasy off as non-fiction.

Sexual assault satire, like rape jokes, are not funny.