
Apps on 3G require app data encryption, the 3G's encryption is sufficient. Double encryption would just slow it down and use more data.

It's practically impossible to sniff a 3G connection, 3G has a secure encryption scheme so far. Getting phone data generally requires a tapped phone or phone system (à la police warrant).

Sweet, thanks for the link.

I use VAcard's virtual audio driver for Skype instead of audio streaming. VAcard's virtual driver is designed to take audio from a media player and then stream online. I have it rigged to take input from VSTHost and output to Skype. VSTHost gets audio from my mic and modifies it with some plugins. 100% free voice

But I already know what tab I'm on, I need to see what tabs I'm NOT on.

Opera has a crapton of features. I don't even use it as a web browser, I use it as a software suite.

The /etc/resolv.conf file holds DNS server IPs.

But my /etc/resvolv.conf has and, did CyanogenMod change that?

I doubt a hair dryer would be enough, it needs to be hot enough to melt solder

If you transfer files onto Android's SD card a lot you'll notice that sometimes you'll need to re-scan the SD card for apps like Gallery to see the new files. Make a shortcut on a homescreen do do this for you:

Sweet, RSS security alerts.

Yeah, same here.

Did you replace it with the same model video card or did they give you a different one?

Sounds a bit overkill for a laptop but it'll definitely get the job done.

I don't really care. It might make things look nicer but as long as it works properly I'm fine. Insert some car analogy here.

I think you can do that Skype thing with Google Voice. Set the callback number to somebody else, then make a call to connect the two.

Enable the menu bar, then switch tabs on top.

Ha, that is sweet.


It's entirely possible but usually a pain in the butt to get done. I just use Mini XP from Hiren's Boot CD.