
Have you considered turning off your speakers?

@mikeman06: Yeah, TightVNC disables loopback connections by default.

Hasn't he ever pointed a camera at the monitor/tv before? I don't get why this is so amazing. Oh right, because it's Apple.

@pschroeter: I got it to remove all of the junk except for text at the top. I had to be careful where I clicked, it took a while to find the correct DIVs.

AdBlock Plus Element Hiding Helper anyone? It helped me get rid of the crap on the right side of YouTube's front page.

Greasemonkey + Youtube with Flash Auto. I get increased functionality with YT and it has direct downloads of the files. If I need to convert I do it through Any Video Converter.

Those are the users by version, there's nothing that says that's how many versions of TweetDeck the programmer had to make. The purpose of the original article was to flaunt how diverse Android devices were and how popular the app was on different versions of Android.

@DThrasher: Someone needs to make this a flowchart.

@Sheccid: This is currently being done in a large field in a southwest US desert. They use parabolic mirrors that turn to constantly face the sun to focus light at tubing. The liquid in the tubing heats and is forced through the pipes, creating energy for a generator.

Now if I only had a Wii, PS3, or Xbox 360.

step 3: yell for everyone to sing "Stayin' Alive" while you apply compressions to the victim on-beat for 8 bars.

"I can't imagine that I could work without stopping indefinitely, even if I believed I had an absolutely inexhaustible amount of willpower to do so."

The "kitchens of the future" from back then are much cooler than kitchens now. The kitchen set on the show Betwitched was awesome, the oven door did a cool slide from out of the wall.

@MehStrongBadMeh: Some hardware is tough to Hackintosh, Apple makes sure that you have to buy their expensive-ass hardware. It sounds like a blast though, I wouldn't mind having an OS X partition.

Yup. True.

@AD: No plan. I can't afford a cellphone, I just want it as a mini-computer. Current mods give the G1 Foyo, multitouch, and Debian so it'll be sweet. I might get some prepaid cards if I really need service.

The NORAD incident reminded me of War Games.

@Mickets: Ok, nevermind then. I have a weird Explorer freeze that I found a workaround for.