
@superhrman: I would prefer a removable keyboard over slide-out. You're missing the camera, miniUSB port, and HMDI port.

The display turns off and the recent payment information is erased but the CID and password still exist on the card's memory?

If it wasn't for the vulnerabilities in GSM then I would be a GSM man all the way. I'm too much of a foilhat to let my calls run vulnerable though. Hurray for dual-type phones.

That is killer but is it effective? Fliptop laptops/netbooks are the most expensive style so unless this is dramatically cheaper then it's just fancy hoo-ha.

I read that shuriken we're hand-held weapons and we not thrown.

@masterofTHUMBS: Is that the reason? No wonder my 1Mbps DSL costs $20.

Cool, but not nearly as cool as the laser-zippo

That is pretty freaking cool.

@OMG! Pickles!: That only lasted one session before, is it a permanent setting now?

Um, duh? The button is right there. Doesn't anybody ever look at a webpage?

@krypterband: Heck yeah. I'm probably too poor for it though, this thing is like a segway on steroids.

I really liked the only Nano. It was an excellent size. Having video and a camera was very cool. If it wasn't for the price I would have bought 5th gen.

"Hipster" invasion? Why would hipster use these? Hipsters use longboards and fixed-gear bicycles.

Sweet, more physics for me to learn. I friggin love learning how stuff works.

Everybody is complaining that Cydia is slow. Cydia has Rock now, they can use the code for a new/better app. Quit complaining and wait for a proper merge.

Come on Google, conquer another portion of the internet.

@OMG! British Dinosaur!: I don't think that it would be cheaper in the long term. It would be great for projects or research that last a few months though.

@pixelsnader: I was thinking of giant cities like on the Spiderman games. That idea is cool if they could pull it off, it would suck to get trapped on a building because the generator place the escape route at an incorrect location.

Pretty funny.