Well I guess there’s not enough of atmosphere to burn the incoming corpses, so few lumps of meat colliding with the planet counts for something? So basically just nudge in the right direction.
Well I guess there’s not enough of atmosphere to burn the incoming corpses, so few lumps of meat colliding with the planet counts for something? So basically just nudge in the right direction.
Jup, only jeeps one sees these days in Nordics are the mid ‘00s diesels. They had a bit of moment back the, but these days they don’t have any presense anymore.
I would jump on a chance to go. Even if the odds were not that good.
I’ve heard that there’s been like 30cm of margin in some cases these behemonts have been going under the danish bridge. I think it must have been pretty butt clenching thing and numbers checked few times before nailing it. After all either the bridge nor the ships are that cheap :D.
Also the home charging is great here. The slow speed charging should be much better for the battery life than fast charging. Not to mention the convenience.
Only half, I would have expected more. On our side of the pond I think it could be even higher.
Wasn’t it just regular storm. Which is excellent way to mask foul play. Yacht sinking in fine weather on the other hand would have been quite red flag.
Is there “gentlemans club” down stairs?
Also, toddlers are almost as indestructible as those cockroaches.
I don’t get them, I don’t want to be in one, but on behalf of Finnish shipbuilding industry, I thank for wanting them.
100F is not sauna, that’s like 37C. Sauna temps start at around 70C, or so. Unless you are swede and it’s one of the few things our lovely neighbours just fail epicly.
Yeah, I don’t think I really desire any of these new performance cars. I mean they used to be insane machines where there was nuclear bomb in the engine bay and little else done to the chassis or othervise. And made for mad people. And I kinda like it.
Hmm. My brother has ‘03 diesel Navara with 2 doors and long bed as worktruck in his farm. And it’s been great, apart from rust. It’s mostly returned back to earth. Bed on that new one looks so small, that I think Nissan is not in the shopping list. That said I think he was already in Hilux-camp more or less.
One would kinda argue, that if site is unusable without such tools, the ad strategy is also failed.
It was really bad like week a go. Now it’s been a bit better, but still. Interesting that this site is so dead set on making it unreadable. Either by shitti half-screen-fillin-adds or these redirections.
All city cars. And anything bigger PHEV:s.
I think maddest thing about it is that the creator dailied that thing. And drove it flat out in the Autobahn (about 300km/h) according the video. I mean speaking of spinchter muscle of steel!
So what’s this asshattery with automatic forwards. Seems like every piece forwards to some roots article about lewis hamilton if one scrolls to comments.
Dunno why, but somehow I’ve kinda been bothered how much like Elric of Melnibone (Michael Moorcocks fantasy series from the 60's) Daemon looks this series. Especially in full armor.