
Is this the first you’ve heard of car theft?

Neat. Is that thing coin-operated?

While Bald Head does use carts for the people who live on the island, they are still being operated on actual roads with speed limits, where both emergency responders as well as the public transportation (trams) to get to/from the ferry are actual vehicles. These roads are also typically highly used by people on

If you buy your kid a car like this as his/her first car, you don’t really love them.

So 2 of 10 “clever uses for WD-40 that don’t involve lubricating” actually involve lubricating?

How ignorant you are. There is no such thing as a white Christian, nor a white Christian name. A name is a name.

Guys. Flying cars already exist. Why are people trying to re-invent them?

Um, why? I don’t understand this logic. Turn signals indicate where you’re putting your vehicle next, this information is useful all the time to literally every person around you. Especially in rush hour when there are a shit ton of people around you.

Pretty sure if I have my hazards on I can’t get a ticket. It’s in the Bible.

Same as trying to park wherever you want because you have the hazard lights on.

Just an FYI, using a turn single doesn’t give you automatic right of way.

I’m sorry was that car invisible to you? And the fact that it’s not a police car means you can drive like a dick around it?

I largely disagree, I feel like most people who dislike stealth vehicles do largely because it presents a greater deterrence over their own self inflated sense of righteousness. Nobody reserves the right to act like a jerk to other people or behave in such a fashion while believing they aren’t being watched,

Hey you, GI Joe says “Don’t break the law and you won’t have to worry about an unmarked police car!”

If people would follow the traffic laws when there’s NOT a brightly colored labelled and otherwise obvious police cruiser in traffic there wouldn’t be a problem.

Exactly, just because someone put their blinker, that doesn’t give them free reign to just change lanes when they feel like it

They’re here to “serve and protect” the people that assholes like this are disrespecting by driving like douches.

I see it, it’s an SUV. They aren’t invisibly cloaked. Why should they have to announce they are there? To give a heads up to bad guys? I guess our armed forces should wear bright orange to let everyone know, hey we’re coming!

“Our product will be disruptive” usually means “There’s already a good reason that no one is selling this.”