Oops, sorry, I read too fast and missed that part. You are indeed right.
Oops, sorry, I read too fast and missed that part. You are indeed right.
Probly to hide and call for help and stay safe until said help arrives.
Not really. A car can be a necessity (getting to work, buying food, etc.). While I don’t think people who own yachts really need these.
Google says they weigh about the same (a little over 1 600 kg).
A compact EV still weighs less than a gas SUV. People need to stop buying oversized and overweight cars.
The AC can be quite noisy. If it’s similar to my Zoé when AC is on while the car is stopped, you could assume it’s a gas engine idling.
It’s only as clean as the way you get that hydrogen.
Something something bootstraps something. When some people of the same country live in poverty while others live in hyper-luxury, there’s something wrong. Calling that jealousy is dumb.
Meh, not a fan of “sounds”: when it’s still firstly a mean of transportation, reducing its noise pollution is always good. So you may consider it’s not a true Scotsman opinion, but I wouldn’t miss gaz engines.
Freedom panic!
It’s like the higher probability of being killed/injured by a ResponsibleGunOwner™’s weapon by accident (i.e. common stupidity/negligence/etc.) than by a criminal actively trying to shoot you.
and steal a dozen or two passenger jets?
This exists because many idiots get ticketed (and lose license points where it applies) and then wine and pretend its ‘impossible” to follow speed limits. With such gems as “it’s not safe to drive with your eyes riveted on the speed indicator”.
What? This doesn’t exist in France. As other said, it probably means the default speed applies. In France these default speeds are according to:
They know how to take a reservation; but still fail to hold it.
What I think is that a lot of people are defending a pile of toxic shit like Chris Rock
Victim blaming are we? A bad joke doesn’t excuse physical assault.
Because it’s words from one side, and physical assault from the other. There are other ways to deal with a bad joke than being a slappy I-protect-mah-woman macho.
Well we can only hope new variants keep following follow the current trend: a little more contagious but a little less dangerous.
That’s a lot of true Scotsmen, isn’t it?