
In Europe, the best seller EVis Renault’s Zoé, that charges with type 2 and lately the latest version has a CSS option. Renault owning Nissan makes also clear they’d rather have the same charging parts, at least for scale economics. Type 2 became the de facto AC standard, and CSS for CC.

They certainly included that in their business plan. Such as taking customers only in zones where having the car charging in between rides is possible. Or for travels that are optimal for this type of vehicle.

Yeah, that’s weird. If the users don’t drive themselves, it’s not a car-sharing service at all.

Well indeed, Vernier calipers are limited to what a human eye can discern, that’s probably why they give measurements in 1/50 mm. But I don’t really agree that the correct reading is that hard to make.

The reason is that the angle you hold that caliper makes a big difference, as does the tightness you crank it down to.

This cheap tool

Yup, and in more mundain vehgicles such as Older Citroën C3 or Fiat Cinquecento. On the former, the rear windows switch where on the back of the central console, so they were accessible to the rear passengers and driver without needing to be duplicated.

Don’t all right-side steer wheel cars have the ignition on the right, therefore close to the door?

Older Renault models had these. I remember this when I had my driving lessons in the late ‘90s.


Where I am”

My $1/50. After looking at the market for used and new EV : what people seem to buy, in order of budget :

I like the maquette alright. Calling it a “working” engine is silly.

“Working” is a clickbaity misnomer, FFS. If an engine moves thanks to an external mechanical source, it’s not working as an engine. It’s a feat to make what is shown here, but calling it a working engine is bad.

Yes! Innocent people get shot for “looking suspicious” under the excuse that the cop “feared for their life”. What an effort it would have been for the cop to say to the guy in the car “I just took that out of the other dude’s bag, don’t worry”? No, he was just “Don’t tell me how toi do my job, nothing to see here”.

They’re no true Scotsman, right?

I really wonder how they think throwing this stuff in the suspect’s car rather than in the patrol car is a good idea.

Could be “young” crop that is in the first stages of growth.

As he was in an area where there was reachable large field (such as the one he landed on), wasn’t it justified to focus on landing on these rather than on restarting the engine ?

A play on word on the pilot’s name and the field’s crop. How corny.