*percussive maintenance
*percussive maintenance
Yeah, no, he’s clearly still quoting the Dems. It’s not unusual to be loved b for him to make several linked sentences.
I’m quite sure there is/are mod(s) for that.
Yes! It’s funny seeing Audi pretend they care about environment and lungs.
[facepalms in European]
But if it’s to drive out of NYC?
No reason not to keep going at speed
Cats can live to much more than 14 years.
You have no idea of context, yet you jump to the conclusion that it’s the pedestrian’s fault for being distracted.
“EvErY cAR lOoKS The SaME NOw! !”
So they are the car equivalent of Harley drivers?
So this is the nation that wants more guns?
Unsprung durch technik.
A very cool but very short escape attempt?