
you said later this year as if it’s not December.....Is there a secret month after December? Are you from the future?

Wait, if it’s a world populated by anthropomorphised animals, just what is in the sausages, burgers, sandwiches, steaks and other meat products they’re advertising?????

Most Japanese don’t even know what whitewashing *is.* It’s a virulently American offended-on-behalf-of-other-people phenomenon.

Japan was never complaining, they were applauding it. it was white Americans that were complaining about GITS.

You’re a funny one: by definition the only new games supporting the ps4 pro on a launch day would have to be launched the same day.

You miiiiight want to make those a bit taller, or it’s going to go New Orleans in the first giant storm. But I guess that wouldn’t look so cool.

Trump’s plan for dealing with everything with massive walls seems to have gotten real far out-of-hand.

Now playing

“this is for the player” is a nice ad but for me the best Playstation ad will forever be “To Micheal”

Lets just see if it makes it to Halloween in once piece...

The idea is that if this idiot hits a power line or puts himself in a ditch, resources have to be diverted to fix whatever he did or to rescue him. Which is unnecessary and idiotic given the current situation over there.

Valve has removed Digital Homicide’s games from Steam following news of their lawsuit against 100 anonymous Steam users. “Valve has stopped doing business with Digital Homicide for being hostile to Steam customers,” the company told Kotaku.

100% on point, there’s so many features they were dishonest about. I get overpromising, but as soon as you launch without addressing what is and is not in the game, and then remain silent on missing feature, you go from innocently over promising and not being able to deliver to downright dishonesty and lying.

The only thing Sony should be blamed for is not giving him proper PR guidance. But on the same token, one should not require a PR person to tell them, DON’T LIE ABOUT YOUR FUCKING GAME.

My favorite things about Tokyo:
5. People in cars stop for you and don't honk. Ever.
4. Hot corn soup vending machines in the winter. And Mister Donut Pon-de-rings.
3. Convenience stores are actually convenient. And the food is pretty good too.
2. Parks are gorgeous! I went to Ueno and Yoyogi. And the crows (ravens?