
Unfortunate that the chances of a new main Suikoden game are still likely better than Suikoden II EVER showing up on PSN.

Makes me feel better that my PS2 Onimushas are just within arms reach, sitting nice and pretty on my CD shelf.

Oh well.

Thank you Karma.

I don't know whether to be happy or sad that I recognized it was Michael McDonald from the little thumbnail pic.

Finally... Mara will get some decent screen time!

"... but it was nothing more than a slap in the face to fans of the series."

Yeah pretty much what I was getting at. Because of his actions at SEGA is what I meant being the best thing to happen to the PS1.

I remember Bernie Stolar... definitely one of the two best things to ever happen to PS1, the other being Working Designs coming aboard as a 3rd Party publisher.

Almost perfect.

Not to mention Britsurugi looks to have tacked on a few.

2nd controller for Blood 'n Bounce code?

The control scheme in FM:E was really simplistic in nature, but very precise and tight.

I was actually referencing the Evo Moment #37 video. In it, you hear Seth Killian saying "rare footage of Daigo getting angry" prior to Daigo's perfect parry display.

Rare photo of Daigo getting angry?

What did you think of Front Mission Evolved?

Very nice. Have fun with it. At least you get SCV in the meantime!

Yeah, I'm pretty much set for February with those two games.

I could've sworn Paris Hilton owned a yellow one.

If SEGA's poor handling of their consoles for the Western markets were a movie it would definitely be called "Weekend at Bernie... Stolar's".