
There's a valuable lesson here. No matter how dedicated you are to the cause of I Don't Know Shit About Cars, sometimes it doesn't hurt to know just a little. Alternately, you could go full freakout like Jerry Ascione, and make a big deal out of the fact that you didn't know some cars have been getting rid of spare

oh, a fart can, a huge wing and some dazzly graphics is all you need.

We're already beginning to see big production companies use drones for those gorgeous, sweeping ariel shots. That used to be the exclusive purview of helicopter pilots like Jonathan Benson, so watching him chase down a trophy truck could soon be a lost art.

  • Importing a Japanese Car

What's the problem? They got the other truck un-stuck didn't they?

It looks like.. something out of RidgeRacer. lol

At this point I have no idea what we're talking about, and I'm too afraid to ask.

Nope. won't fit.

But still considerably bigger than it used to be, which is why people think it's an oxymoron that such an enormous car has the name Mini.

Well, I'm actually more

I'm more rejecting that reality than claiming you are wrong

Everybody on Jalopnik right now:

So did HAL 9000.

Sebastian, AWD doesn't make you safer in snow. Slow down and observe the road conditions.

"Some parts of the truck are not in conformity with the technical standards"

2015 is not a Goodyear for this woman.

4/10. Sloppy approach, stuck the landing.