
He's climbing in yo windows!

Off road lights and a wing....I must make my Yaris into a rally A-team Yaris!

Can I point out that a bill was introduced that would remove VA benefits for veterans in flight training because it cost $180 million last year. Yet this blatant money pit is still getting deeper.

You know you just gave me a thought. Why dont they just rip out most of the cheap plastic and make it more like an Elise? They could maybe just have a trim level that’s like that.

We had an OV-10 show up a few weeks ago at KCRW. It was military so I guess they brought it out to get the dust off. I didnt recognize it actually but it looked amazing.

I live in WV and see nothing in the law to prevent fr buying a tesla, having it shipped to me, then selling it directly off the truck for the normal price. Someone needs to do this.

Well I would rather have a matter anti-matter warp core powering my FRS.

For $5200, You Could “Pickup” This Subaru Brat.

I see what you did there.

The only problem with trying to run in Kansas is that there's nothing to hide behind.

Came for the AW-11...Was not dissapointed

I saw this on r/JustRolledIntoTheShop. Apparently the belt snapped on the highway so the driver fashioned one out of a Zip Tie and it actually worked!

I went to an "International" car show here and was on the Dodge side seeing if they had a Hellcat (They didn't) and squealed like a school girl when I saw an i-Miev, it was the only car at the show I took a picture in.

Am I to understand a Jalopnik writer elected to NOT get the diesel option? I don't buy it.

These two gentlemen win. Everyone go home.

Where you see a destroyed car I see a Ute waiting to happen.

I would really like to get an STI but the type of people they attract really ruins it for me. I spend a lot of time at rallies and get to meet great Subaru owners and then drive home and the locals ruin it for me.

Calm down there HipHopopotamus.

"Filed to: Chrysler PT Cruiser" I'm concerned it has it's own place.

It's not "When in doubt slam the brakes"!

Requires handbrake can't use.