
"The best way to make a small fortune in racing is to start with a large one and work down from there"

And this is why I love NASA regulations.

Peel 50 of course! Who wouldn't be shocked to see it on snowy city streets?

I have been holding off getting a dedicated adventure bike because I want to see what will be offered in the way of luggage options from the aftermarket and manufacturer on the scrambler. I do wonder how hot that messenger bag is going to get from the exhaust though.

I wish Scion had a less tacky logo.

I'm not sure this is even safe to say here, but I think the MKIV Supra is kind of ugly.

I was traveling down the interstate somewhere between WV and KS when I start to get sleepy so my brother offers to drive and we switch seats. I'm resting in the passenger when I'm suddenly jolted awake by the berm and apparently so was my brother who was supposed to be driving. It's around 2am and as he reaches back

If this wasn't in the comments I was going to suggest it myself!

"Horsepower is how hard you hit the wall,
Torque is how far you move it"

Keep up the fight for the A-10, all of us FO's are behind you.

I agree with most of your points. The reasoning behind driving faster according to most of them is that they feel "more focused". My best friend was pulled over once and they charged him with DWI for only having Marijuana in his car even though he was not visibly impaired. I fully support recreational use of Marijuana

"Because the cannabinoid receptors are found in the brain regions that control movement and emotions, it follows that cannabinoids affect an individual's control of those functions. THC causes lack of physical coordination. It can also make it difficult for a user to integrate emotions and actions, meaning that his

Do most of the people on Jalopnik smoke Marijuana because I'm getting that vibe from the comments? I have strong negative feelings towards someone that would go into a race with enough Marijuana in their system "to impair his judgement". Marijuana and high adrenaline do make for angry and irrational decisions

RWD Rear engine Aygo Crazy anyone?

I was incredibly confused as to why that helicopter was that close. Turns out they led the the Mars to the fire with IR cameras.

I LOVED Fuel. I'm a huge sucker for free roaming.
Unfortunately I came in late to it and had almost no one on multiplayer. :(

Can we just call cars what they are? The Miata is a "small car". I drive a Yaris (which I need to write about how amazing it is) and I call it an "economy car". I don't feel we need gender labels for cars, it's not a hole that needs a term to replace as every car has a literal term for what it is.

It looks like he miscalculated the height of the rotors by how suddenly he drops before the impact.

Don't care if its been over a year since this comment, I love Antti videos.

This was really a perfect storm of factors. It's fully possible that Stewart may have only gunned his engine to get the car to turn more in an attempt to avoid Ward but Ward was already stepping in even closer so the tire hit him.