It’s a constitutional right. Would you limit your free speech of a company requested it? Because it’s the same thing.
It’s a constitutional right. Would you limit your free speech of a company requested it? Because it’s the same thing.
Where do you live? Secondly lack of knowledge is no basis for making decisions.
That’s not the point. It’s that Uber thinks legally armed citizens and their guns car “scary bad things”.
Yeah no, that’s now how the state laws are written. The Uber policy would be struck down.
I’m a concealed carry permit holder. I Uber around Detroit. I’ll find another company to support.
Do you have photos? Without those and verified manufacture plates it is vaporware.
Wait, you mean let the free market work and not push a product via subsidies?
Guys, seriously. Get off their dick for long enough time to realize how ridiculous you sound for reporting on a non company with zero tangible product development.
I pioneered some of the first CE2 swaps, it’s completely cookie cutter at this point. Nothing here is 14k special.
Clearly a simpleton who negotiated billions in business dealings and all but collapsed the mainstays of corporate news with his words alone.
You don’t get it, Trump was the anti war candidate. He wants to make peace with Russia whist being hard on the Islamic state. The US and Russia teaming up is the only way to defeat them.
Using the ball is not recommended because the strap is not secured, NOT because the draw bar can’t take it.
It’ll be back in two years I promise.
We’ve seen literally nothing from the company. What do you base this feeling on?
No, that’s an incorrect analog. It does not have a positive effect on every worker. My company needs labor at $9 hr to continue to out compete the Chinese. Without that our production costs would make it economically unviable. That means automation to remove those jobs or worst case all of our manufacturing would move…
The European model for mechanics is a bit better in this regard. Uniforms are provided/laundered and tools are owned by the shop. You’ll have some personal tools but nothing like what you need here.
Fast food will be nearly fully automated in 5 years, the machines are already under development.
I ran a VW shop with 3 other guys. Unless it’s your shop mechanics are seriously underpaid for their skills, capital investment in tools and certifications. Owning my shop I was making around $50 an hour but I had to run the whole thing between wrenching.
We’re talking about 35k a year here, not six figures as a living wage for the average worker. Any forklift driver hits that with a touch of overtime.
It’s called hard work, god given intelligence, initiative and a bit of luck.