
Nice cynical take. No, he got played like a stupid drug addicted older white guy who likes doing blow off (redacted) black women while having moral issues about black men kneeling for that stupid song while protesting inequality. He got exactly what he deserved and so far, as far I can tell... only other white men

Not just with Tesla - I shop other brands and own an Audi as well as other economy brands.

Donald Trump and Anthony Davis have very little to do with this IMO.

The USMNT is an example of something that is actually disrespectful to the troops.

I mean, Panama’s entire existence is predicated on letting things through.


Counterpoint to him stating that he’s not a genius- remembering the name Ionesco and correlating it to a fragment of a sentence inside a clue on the fly with thousands of dollars on the line sounds pretty genius-y to me

I don’t know him, but I can without a doubt tell you this man is a prattling asshole.

I’m a boat person, so this is really easy.

Sidenote: Drone Force 2? Seriously? Fuck outta here, CBS2

No one is going to attempt to explain mooning to Gaseous Clay.

C’mon man, you saw all those hits he took last year? He don’t remember shit.

this is me, yes

The criticism is probably justified. But I, sadly, don’t give a fuck. It makes me think of a post Prolly did a loooonngggg time ago of a drunken hipster fight he captured on video in Williamsburg. It was just laughably pathetic all around: you couldn’t tell if they were trying to fight each other or fuck each other.

It’s the first leg in the Redneck Triple Crown.

I for one think we should be encouraging more people to use hybrids. 


First you complain that I don’t have a good relationship with you mother. Then you complain that I do. What the hell do you want from me?

So, what’s the ethical rate? 10%? 15%?

I enjoyed the part where you said “for all you know”, made up a situation, and then decided that the made up situation was “irrational”... SMH